Amazon molt


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
My Amazons have been losing lots of feathers this year.
It seems like every time the twins take off a feather falls off.
Anyway here is a picture of the last few weeks.
Not all the feathers. some ended up inside the cage with poop on them.
Funny no tail feathers in the bunch.

feathers 2922.webp
If this is the result from all three, I would rate it as normal for a health 'group' of Amazons. Understanding that zero molting is common with sick Parrots. This time of Year in North America with Amazons as the wonders of Hormonal Season is in the future and having their best set of feathers is a tool in saying; I'm Healthy!!

Commonly, mid to large Parrots will molt one to two wing feathers from each wing, but zero Tail feathers. Tail feathers are molded in pairs from the Tail group, but never at the same time as wing feathers. The goal is to assure the Parrot can fly!!
I did not know that wing and tail feathers are molted at different times.

it’s just strange the way the molt’s go. Sometimes it’s mostly the small contour feathers and down and it looks like a pillow exploded. This time it’s lots of the larger feathers.

thats not all but the ones I find from the Twins.
Since Bingo doesn’t fly most of his feathers end up in his cage. His molt so far has been light. I think the hormone season is a different time of the year for the Twins because there natural range is more northern than the Yellow Nape.
They start “feeling there oats” more near April.
Oh, amazon feathers! I have about 40 years worth (about 31 gallon zip lock bags, even the downies!) from my beloved Bonita who was 72 when she passed. I love yours! Amazon feathers always look gorgeous.
Beautiful feathers. You can give them a supplement of protein and vitamins so that your parrots have a correct molt and do not weaken.
Perlita and Esmeralda (A. albifrons & A. oratrix) are now finishig their molting season, but Arcoiris and Kiwi (my budgies) have just begun.
Adding supplements to a healthy diet is rarely a good idea as one can over stimulate. Great caution should be taken when adding Protein to an Amazon's diet. We only add supplements when blood testing defines a need.

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