Amazon first steps in fly 🥹


Mar 8, 2024
Green-cheeked conure | Moline
Hey team, I have a question. It refers to the flying of the Amazon. You see, I trained with him and I still train in a medium-sized bedroom where there are no obstacles or objects. I train her on the command "come" and I found out that she already recognizes it. When we are okay in that room, she obeys especially when I hold a bowl with a reward in my hand. He is already 3 months old and I don't see this as a problem because he really has time to get to know everyone. A few minutes ago I let her into the big living room and she didn't have a good time HAHAH. The room is huge and really has room to fly, all the other birds enjoyed flying (the Konures I sold). The amazon unfortunately hit a shelf with things and got scared and came back and when he came back he hit the armchair hahaha. Could you help me hahahah how I'm going to teach her about obstacles, I'm sorry that every time she hits something like a fool hahahah. Should I continue to let her into this great room? She still wants to go very high and then she gets confused, she really has no control when flying, but let's give her time to learn, after all, she just started to fly
Well, I am an avowed paranoiac, BUT... safety has always been my guide. I'd avoid any situation or stimulus that involves fright, unexpected behavior, or obstacles. One bad accident can be the heartbreak of a lifetime. Good luck. :)
I don’t know how I can help.
But perhaps I can explain.

Young birds have trouble learning to fly down.
When my amazon was young (not as young as yours) they would fly in circles.
Getting lower and lower on each lap until finally running into something.
I never saw it as confusion but I guess could look that way.

They do figure it out eventually.

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