Am I freaking out too much?

It's really shocking when it happens! I couldn't imagine what a poor budgie would look like losing that many feathers, their head is so small as it is :eek:

Like a tiny little porcupine with a bird's body :).
I'm really new to bird. And I can't tell the different but I think if he has a mate with him they probably had a fight or not he's sick I think I'm searching to see why your bird lost his feather or hair
Chantal, that looks exactly like Kodee (my IRN) does when he moults...the first time it freaked me out too! Xander, my Alex, just did the same thing on this last moult. Scared me when I came in and saw his poor head!
I'm really new to bird. And I can't tell the different but I think if he has a mate with him they probably had a fight or not he's sick I think I'm searching to see why your bird lost his feather or hair

Hi houndoomwolf! He doesn't have a mate and he doesn't share a cage, and my little GCC couldn't pull his head feathers if she tried. And he's not sick, I had the vet check him over just a few weeks ago and he checked out fine. I was initially worried, but he's experiencing normal moulting behaviour with a healthy weight, diet, and droppings. :)

Chantal, that looks exactly like Kodee (my IRN) does when he moults...the first time it freaked me out too! Xander, my Alex, just did the same thing on this last moult. Scared me when I came in and saw his poor head!

I can only imagine seeing a big Alex's head so bare, haha! Yes, it definitely shocked me! They certainly take moulting to the next level.
This just my observation. Delfin's first moult made him look ratty, in poor health and a little grumpy. But I noticed that there were certain areas of the body such has the head and chest which seem to replace a large areas of feathers in a short period. Yet the wings and tail feathers were replaced in smaller numbers over a longer period.

This could be that the body feathers have a smaller impact on the birds flight ability and more on the birds camouflage, whereas the wings and tail feathers have the opposite, so if they lost a large amount of the wing and tail feathers then their flying ability could be comprised and if they looked ratty for too long a period then their camouflage ability becomes comprised, and this wouldn't be good for a bird in the wild if they needed to hide from or out-fly a predator.

During the Moult, Delfin really loved his showers and enjoyed me giving his head, neck and face a hand with preening.
This thread has eased my mind so much, thank you all haha! I came home yesterday and found a similar patch missing on my 6 month old Ekkie's head. I freaked out! I knew she had a lot of pin feathers coming in around her face on on her head, but to see such a bald spot was shocking! She loves her showers, so I will give her a nice long one tonight and see if that helps.
It certainly is surprising when you see it happen! I'm glad my thread helped you out, it's definitely nice having a continuous base of relevant knowledge with a simple click and scroll :)

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