Freddie must have finally figured out those little blue things in the bowl aren't "Boo"berries and got up the courage to try them, see Fredie their goooood MmmMmm :09:
Sam (GCC)
Gem (CBC)
Merry and Teechka (parakeets)
and non FIDS:
Harvey and Jed (dogs) Jolte and Churney (cats) Twister and Mac (horses) Nikolas and Aleksndr (ducks )
Hysterical ...I once had my old Sam headed For the vet before I realized that the blood all over his cage and apparently coming from his nares was not a disastrous hemmorage but rather a pulped black grape.
Gotta laugh! I'm really really cautious about everything, as I have no access to an Avian vet, unless I fly myself and bird out of here. My heart jumped into my throat! Geesh!!!
hahaha, been there. I almost had a heart attack when I came home one day to find Eddies foot was completely red and dripping. I was soon to discover that he had just been holding onto and munching on a fresh strawberry. I could tell from the smell of his foot lol.