Almost lost Goku. So scared


New member
Aug 12, 2010
Goku - Rainbow Lorikeet
Goku flew away today. It was my fault - we were cleaning in front of the house and I was carrying a long spider broom outside. Usually we're really careful but Goku never tried to fly out and I was distracted. I opened the door for just a second, but it was a little too wide and he flew straight out. He flew into a gigantic tree in our yard and gradually climbed to the very top branch. I stood under the tree calling to him and holding an apple up for him hoping he'd come back. He kept chirping and calling when we spoke to him, but stayed at the top of the tree. At first he looked excited, but as it got windier at the top he started fidgeting more and seemed to get a little frightened.

He looked down at me, but wouldn't fly back. Then we brought out one of this favorite toys and rattled it so he could hear. He slowly started climbing toward us, then jumped to fly toward me but missed and landed on the roof. Then he flew back toward the tree, low enough so we could reach him. I slowly came up to him with the apple and he started eating, then we gently picked him up and took him back to the house (with lots of praise and treats).

I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. My boyfriend said he thought we'd lost him and that there's no way he'd come back. Thankfully he did. Phew :S
I'm so glad he came were lucky.:)

It's so easy to get distracted and make a mistake. I lost a Bourke this past summer, because of carelessness. I expect he paid a price for it..
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Yes I am happy you got him back.. that should teach us to be more observant when our fids are not secure in their cages.
You were so fortunate, happy it all ended well,
I personally think I would panic and have a heart attack immediately.
Cowtown is so correct ............
be more observant when our fids are not secure in their cages
WHEWWW!!! A close one, eh? I wouldn't have been able to breathe if Maui got outside!! Whoa, I'm so glad you got your baby back!!
I am so very glad your frightening escape ended happily. You did well to remain calm and lure your bird home. I lost a dear conure first Sam...when she was about 31 in a split second of distraction that drew my spouse just far enough way for a hawk to strike. He...we all... were devastated but he especially because I was overseas at the time and he felt responsible. But it could just as easily have happened on my watch for I had also begun to be less vigilant. It is hard to remember how vulnerable birds are...especially bright birds like ours who are always into something. So I thank you for sharing the story of your near disaster for it is a cautionary tale to us all and especially those of us with flighted birds as two of mine are.
Thats how i lost my sun conure..She never came down...Im very happy you had a happy ending! Maybe clipping should be thought of? idk....I know when i get my AG i made sure she was clipped i never wanted to feel like that again like when by bird left

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