Alexandrine Need help


Active member
Oct 26, 2021
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1 Alexandrine & 5 cockatiels
I have rescued an Indian Ringneck who was abused and treated badly. I have taken him to the Vet and he claims he is healthy enough considering his previous living conditions and hes about 5 years old. He came to me with half his feathers missing and looking rather rough. I was told his previous diet was fast food! Whenever he hears a potato chip bag being opened he goes nuts to get some chips ! I have been fighting to get him to eat a healthier diet than Micky D's ! He refuses to eat most veggies and fruits He is very demanding and screams out when he wants something- he says one word and only whistles the first half of the wolf whistle.
I have tried the sprays and he hates them he washes them off in his water bowl- I started giving him more baths and he dont care. After his shower/baths he cuddles up to me to be blow dried and goes to sleep making baby sounds and I mean really asleep on my chest completely laying down with his face and beak laying against my neck with his eyes closed for about 45 minutes! Then he wakes up and wants to play and eat and groom ! I talked to the vet and he said he had to have a tragic event occur to him or abuse. I am making sure he gets 10-12 hours of sleep every night, I play with him 3 times a day and let him out of his cage while I fix dinner and watch tv- he gets fresh veggies, fruits, a few seeds and tons of other healthy stuff! The vet said he is very spoiled and laughed. But I am terrified he will pull out a blood feather. I just recently read about those and dont know what to do if he starts bleeding !! Can someone please help me? I am already in love with this lil stinker! OH I forgot to tell you- he hates men, screams and bites if they even come near. I did find out a man had thrown him across the room by his wing and slapped him alot.Here is some pics of my sweetheart.


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He really is a sweetheart!
Sorry i cant help with the plucking issues but this thread might!
Tiki has given a good link on the plucking; I’d you need more advice just ask.

Many birds hate men. Try target training and socialize him with more people in general. Read his body language and id he seems uncomfortable then do something about it.

I also agree with zERo. He does look a lot like an alex.

Welcome and thanks for taking him in!
Thanks guys-I appreciate any and ALL help I can get!! Yes, he probably is an Alex, but I have not found that many forums or writeups about Alexandrines, and well they are very close.
Really it sounds like you two are doing very well!
Thanks fir taking him in!
Plucking likely will never resolve ...but still he will be very happy!
Yes you have stepped in the deep end with behavior issues: they take time to resolve
This is a good article
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That’s an Alexandrine parakeet, I am almost certain.

Thank you for taking care of him. I have adopted several birds who were terribly abused and they were loving wonderful pets and companions. Your boy is grateful to you, I am sure, and you have made his life so much better.

If you think of this kind of like adopting or fostering a child who was mistreated, I think you’re on the right track. He needs consistency, love, and reassurance. Cuddles are great because he can see how you are being kind to him and your hands comfort him instead of scaring or hurting him.
Thank you and take care of your boy!

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