ALERT: America COMPETES Act of 2022 Lacey Act Amendments


Well-known member
May 27, 2020
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Sharing this from another forum. This new ACT would affect many of us in the States. IF you are against this and are in the United States please call your Representatives. Please use the links provided for more information. Feel free to share.we

Buried within the 2,912 pages of the America COMPETES Act of 2022 lie Lacey Act amendments that affect all non-domesticated pet owners and the greater pet community. COMPETES is an acronym for Creating Opportunities for Manufacturing, Pre-Eminence in Technology and Economic Strength. The stated purpose of the Act is to strengthen America’s economic and national security but obviously, this was slipped into the massive bill in hopes to go unnoticed.

The amendments would reverse the USARK federal lawsuit victory by reinstating the ban on interstate transportation of species listed as injurious under the Lacey Act. The bill would also create a “white list” (see #2 below) that could affect millions of pet owners, as well as pet businesses. If your species of interest, even your pet, is listed as injurious (which could happen because it can survive outside somewhere in the U.S.), then it cannot be transported across state lines. That means you could not even take a pet with you if you moved to another state or needed veterinary care across a state border. This does not just ban sales but prohibits all interstate transportation. This will trickle down to hundreds or thousands of common pet species.

The America COMPETES Act may pass in the House next week. If passed in the House, it will then be sent to the Senate to be reconciled with an innovation policy package called the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act, or USICA, that passed in the Senate last year. The America COMPETES Act is the House Democrats’ response to USICA (which does not contain the Lacey Act Amendment). The House Rules Committee will hear the America COMPETES Act on February 1, 2022. It may go to a House floor vote the next day. This is the same language we saw introduced by Florida Senator Marco Rubio as Senate Bill 626 in 2021.

Briefly, the amendments will:

Provide that the Lacey Act bans the interstate transport of species listed as injurious. Specifically, it replaces Lacey’s current language ‘‘shipment between the continental United States’’ with ‘‘transport between the States.”Create a “white list” of species that can be imported. This means that any animal (reptile, amphibian, fish, bird, mammal, invertebrate) that is not on the white list is by default treated as an injurious species and is banned from importation.Create a new authority allowing FWS to use an “emergency designation” that becomes effective immediately after being published in the Federal Register unless an extension of no more than 60 days is allowed. That means no due process, public input, hearings, advanced notice, etc. for injurious listings.Permit FWS to not allow importation if a species has not been imported in “minimal quantities” (to be defined) in the year prior to the enactment of this Act.The effective date would be one year after the enactment of this Act.

Read the relevant amendment text (these are pages 1661-1665) at

We will provide more details on actions to take.

In our landmark court decision, four federal judges agreed that USARK was correct and that the Lacey Act (Title 18 Section 42 of the U.S. Code) did not ban interstate transportation of injurious species based on the original language of the Lacey Act and the intent of Congress. As a result of this fight for our members and the community, this meant animals domestically bred under human care could be moved and sold across state lines (within the continental United States).

The entire America COMPETES Act can be read at
Sad to say that I am not surprised as this is a law bundle that has been pushed for a couple of decades.

Most individuals will stand with their hands in their pockets and say that will never pass. Never Say Never as there are far less sanity in DC than in the pass.

Be concerned..
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Interestingly, the sponsoring entity is ostensibly in favor of smaller Federal reach and dominant States Rights. Hopefully it will fail in the Senate.
Interestingly, the sponsoring entity is ostensibly in favor of smaller Federal reach and dominant States Rights. Hopefully it will fail in the Senate.

From what I found this is an attachment to an excellent piece of registration. With hope, it will be cut-out /separated and pushed to the side.

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