Air Pocket


New member
Dec 28, 2012
Mesa, Arizona
II have found the parrot I plan to adopt at a local Exotic Bird Rescue but I have a question.

I noticed a bulge in his left cheek. I asked the knowledgable guy that works there and he said it was an air pocket that had formed due to possible aggresion at one point. He also stated that it could be drained by a vet. I really do love this bird and plan to put down a deposit for him.

Is this going to be an issue? He behaves completely normal and doesnt show any signs that it is bothering him or effecting his eating. He is the fattest Amazon there :p
Air pocket? My Hahns had an infection recently that required antibiotics and antinflammitories.
This is a problem most often seen in amazons (that I've noticed - also saw in a macaw).

I've heard it's called subcutaneous emphysema, although I don't know if that's the correct term in parrots.

Here is an image of a macaw with bloated cheeks (if link works)

I've seen it in at least two amazons, one that had both cheeks and the other that only had one. They look weird!

Here's an amazon with problems... although I'm not sure it's the same problem.
Parrots: blue front amazon,28 year old female, avian vets, air sac

An avian vet can draw the air out, and if it reoccurs, they can place a hole in the air sac that will prevent the air sac from becoming inflated again.

Might want to do a search for ruptured/inflated air sacs?
I honestly don't know, as I've never had to deal with that kind of issue... but I would expect at least $150-$300 to get it checked out.

It may be harmless, so nothing may be required or done to it. Only the avian vet would be able to tell you that.

Minus his somewhat ruffled appearance, he looks great!
If its truly crepidus, the emphysema in the skin, then it should be a simple fix but do a primary vet visit because t will begin to affect his vision if it gets larger.
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I plan to take him to a avian vet once I fully adopt him. I'll probably have it removed regardless of whether or not its harmless.

Thanks for the info, everyone.
Shouldn't the parrot rescue be taking care of this? They should of had it checked out before putting him up for adoption.
What I would do is assume they are going to fix it. Maybe phrase it like this, "Ok, so after that thing on his cheek is taken care of how soon until I can bring him home?"

You can even go so far as getting an estimate so they know what kind of financial burden it will place on you right from the start if they say they wont be taking care of it.
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Not much. Doesnt look like the rescue will be covering it. I dont really care to be honest. I was going to take him to a vet when I got him regardless. Should be a cheap procedure.

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