Aggressive Eclectus Female, how do I calm her?


New member
Jul 5, 2024
Cockatiels, Sun Conures, IRNs, Eclectus, Kakarikis
as the title says, I have a female Eclectus (New Guinea Eclectus roratus according to her papers) and her "partner" which seems to be a way smaller Eclectus species.

I got them 1,5 Weeks ago from a guy who couldn't keep them anymore due to health problems, the male is 8 Years old and roughly as big as a grey parrot while she is like almost a whole head taller than him, also she's 6 years old.

I also have a third Eclectus male that is 1,5 years old who is about the same size as her, also a New Guinea Eclectus roratus on papers that I got so I have no clue what the other male is, since I thought the NG Ekkies are of the smaller sub species.

to get the the main point now, I'm trying to have her be bonded or be on friendly terms with my youngest one because they're about the same size but she is very dominant/territorial of her cage and I don't want to risk injuries, so far I have her be seperated in a Cage while the other 2 roam free around my room, they're on friendly terms and I want her to get used to me, obviously it hasn't been that long that I had her and she'll take treats and will also be non-agressive towards if I move her somewhere unknown, then I can just take her on my arm but other than that she'll defend her area which kinda sucks because I have a harmonious group of different bird species.
Everyone's got their own area to be idle in but everything else is like a huge playground around the cage and I'm moving flats soon so I can make a even bigger area for the birds but it kinda sucks that I have to exclude her.

the birds are under constant supervision by my girlfriend during day but I can't even risk her going near anyone even under supervision.

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