Aggressive baby gcc?


New member
Nov 5, 2013
We recently got a companion for our 3 year old gcc, jeckyl. Loki is a 7 month old gcc. We have been trying to slowly introduce them in hopes they will keep each other company while we are at work. Oddly enough, Loki is the one who wants to play dominance games. Jeckyl seems thrilled to have another conure, but Loki always wants to fence and jeckyl is the one who gives the "I'm done" squeak. I want to give them plenty of time to decide if they are willing to play, but I have concerns about Loki eventually hurting jeckyl. They are never out together unless I'm next to them. Jeckyl is flighted, but Loki is clipped. Jeckyl gives up the high ground very quickly and never displays aggression or dominance, but Loki continues to "puff" and lunge, even if jeckyl is out of reach. I have managed to get them to stay out in sight of each other and even had them coo back and forth a couple of minutes at a time, so I'm still hopeful they will work out their rivalry. Is Loki just adjusting to a new environment? Should I continue to carefully bring them in contact, or do they need to spend more time separated but in sight of each other? I don't want jeckyl to be hurt or to feel intimidated or frightened. So far she seems her normal affectionate self with me and I'm taking care to give them equal attention and reassure jeckyl she is still my baby. Any advice on how long to keep trying before they have to divide play time?
Are they the same sex? Maybe try putting there cage next to eachother so they can get use to eachother.

I know Fred was nice to Star at first, but now if Star is anywhere near Fred, Fred goes on the attack. He is also around the same age. Maybe its a aggressive stage as they mature.

Hopefully someone with a little older bird and more knowladge can chime in.


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