Thank you for replying so quickly in my moment of nerves earlier! I was nervous enough I didn't even finish typing lol - the bit I didn't want the rescue to read and feel bad about was me having a moment of panic that I haven't handled many birds in the last 15 years and not wanting to do things "wrong". You all are the best support!
Here's Cotton on a totally different perch than his usual - he was wandering all over tonight when I first got there so I think he knew something was afoot - he started out on his usual perch then did a little walkabout then up to this one to peer at me
Here's his new digs - I left the things they had in it already and added a bunch. I'm soooo excited they let me put more toys in! I stuffed sunflower seeds and walnuts in a few of them. We decided to move the little fluffy tunnel thing from his old cage, since he likes to hide behind it when people are freaking him out. I'm sorry it's kind of hard to distinguish what's his - there are two budgie cages behind his.
I was a little worried about him potentially falling - when they first got him in December, he was very unstable moving around his cage so they moved him to a short cage. I was also wondering how easily he'd adapt to the much bigger bar spacing.
He was scrambling around like a professional mountain climber immediately so gold medal for this guy!
This is my favorite - he did this a few times then would dive headfirst down the back side
He was ALL over the place! He even went exploring on the lower perches which it sounds like he avoided before, especially if people were around. His exploring seemed like exploring, not fear, which was so much fun to see!! The only place he hadn't been to when I left about 15 minutes later was his food bowl - he'd thought about going that direction but changed his mind a few times, so hopefully the perch arrangement isn't spaced too far to make getting there pretty easy.
The coordinator I've been working with is going out of town for a week - but she gave me the door code so I can keep visiting! So I'll see him again Wednesday! I'll be curious to see how many feathers might be on the floor. He made a big show of preening in front of me in his old cage tonight, and spent a looooot of time beaking his longest primary feathers lol! The cute little stinker!
I agree that once I get him home things will progress smoother - maybe not faster, but easier. He clearly doesn't care for tons of strange people looking at him, and he's starting to look to me as an ally. And it's me, too - my personality has always been such that I don't like people watching me do new things, to my detriment when I was younger and didn't understand how to work with that. We'll both have less external stressors once he's home.
I'm so glad you guys are on this journey with me!!