African Grey and Citron are fighting


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Nov 16, 2023
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African Grey
I have had my AG for three years and got a Citron Cockatoo two weeks ago. They are not in the same cage but in the same room.
Yesterday the cockatoo climbed onto the AG’s cage, and I heard the cockatoo screeching. Today, the AG was climbing onto the cockatoo’s cage seemingly to start a fight.

If these two parrots do not like each other, should I move the cockatoo into another room? I do not need them to be best friends, but I also do not want them to fight. My avian vet had a breeding pair of Citrons until the male killed the female.

Any advice is appreciated!


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I would put a sheet of plexiglass on top of their cages so no one gets their feet bitten. Climbing on top of another birds cage is (apparently) rude! Or a towel. Some way to keep their feet safe.
I agree with the sheet of plexiglass or a towel. Also, perhaps, having them in separate rooms when out and about? They can be housed in the same room, but not together at playtime.
I don’t have any actively fighting birds.
But my CAG Bella has taken an…….unhealthy interest in my Cockatiels.
She has broken at least 2 food dishes and knocked them down mor times than I can count.
I don’t know what she is trying to do but I can’t keep her away from them.

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