Afraid of toys


New member
Oct 13, 2012
Guelph Ontario
1 red bellied parrot (Mango), 3 cockatiels (Bugsie, Alfie, and Bananas)
Mango's favorite toys are foraging types and hard chewing toys, preferably made of wood that he can break into tiny little chips and fling all over my house :09:. A couple of days ago I bought a bunch of toys, and I paid a pile more for one in particular that I thought he would love attacking. Completely over-priced, but I thought it would be worth it. Its pink, black, purple, blue and green. Its made of straws and stuff and basically looks like a giant caterpillar. Anyways, he is completely mortified by it. If he sees it he hides. If its in his cage and we try to put him in he screams bloody murder and completely panics while jumping out then running away (hes a bit of a drama queen at the best of times). Im wondering if he will get over it, or if I should just get rid of it/donate it or something? Its on his play stand at the moment. He keeps his eye on it, and wont go over to where it is, but he isnt freaking out. If I move it he screams and jumps off the play stand. If I put him close to it he screams and panics again. Should I leave it or trash it?
Thank you!!
I would just put in view for a couple of weeks but not on his cage or play areas like a table or chair . By then he might decide it is not out to kill him. If that doesn't work put it away for a month or two then repeat the process. My sweetie pie is usually afraid of new toys for a while Where Tiki can't wiat to explore new toys. Each bird is different:)
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This is the first hes been afraid of anything, he usually walks around all full of himself. His nick-name is actually tough guy!
Some birds seem to dislike certain colors for whatever reason. He still might get used to it in time. When I first bought sweetie pie he was 6 mo old. Their were no toys for his cage yet so I bought a shredding toy at the place where we bought him and it hung in his cage for at least 6 mo before he finally decided to play with it. Birds do make life interesting:)

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