Advice for my (potentially sick) Conure, please!


New member
Mar 13, 2025
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Yellow sided green cheek conure
Hi guys.
We have had our 4 month old Conure for almost a month now. He is a happy, chatty and playful little man. He sleeps in his cage at night but spends his day out on his stand or our shoulders.
This morning I uncovered and opened his cage. He normally comes straight out but after a while I went back to find him asleep again. He has now spent most of the day sleeping, feathers puffed, has barely vocalized and has eaten very little. He has had some water. I can't think of anything that could have made him sick. My questions are; it is almost evening (in Australia) so whatever I do has to wait till morning, but do Conures occasionally feel unwell and then recover? Do I just keep an eye on him? Do I get to a vet ASAP? Has anyone experienced this or know what could have possibly affected him?
I know that's a lot but I'm freaking out.
Thank you in advance.
He died. He started vomiting then convulsing and he died in my hand and I don't know why or what happened. I'm devastated.
He died. He started vomiting then convulsing and he died in my hand and I don't know why or what happened. I'm devastated.
Oh, no! I'm so sorry!
Nothing will make you feel better right now but it will get easier. Maybe he got into something. He passed knowing he was loved. Very very sad.
Very sorry to read that. Parrot chicks are very fragile. You might contact your breeder or source to see if they will compensate you. All sorts of causes, from something congenital to care to environment could be involved.

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