Adult Suns Acting Like Babies?


New member
May 17, 2015
Southern California
SassyByrd (DYH Amazon) JoJo (GCC) Betty (GCC) DEARLY LOVED fids lost to “Teflon Disaster� 12/17 RIP Pickles (GC),RIP Winston (Sun), RIP Lady PLEASE TAKE 5 MINUTES &TOSS OUT ALL YOUR TEFLON NOW!
My 2 Suns (over 3) still flutter their wings and make baby noises whenever I am around. Once they are out and with me they are fine. I handfed the 2 of them for 4 weeks. I may have done it a little longer than necessary....I just couldn't take their begging so weaning was extended. Is this behavior normal and/or healthy? They would rather be around me than anyone else/thing in the world, even each other. Does anybody else have a bird that has done this? Because they are so attached to me, I can't really keep them off of me when they are out, although I have tried extensive training to "stay" on their out of cage perches and playpens. I am at the point where I won't clip their wings....their love of flying (especially my male) is out of this world.

My GCC has no problem "staying" and has never offered this behavior, but I never handfed her.

I don't think suns ever stop acting like babies. They are just pint-size little toddlers covered in feathers.
I think I would consider their behavior normal and perfectly healthy for two suns who have their human so well trained. That's what it really seems to be from what you describe. They flutter their wings and make baby noises so mommy takes them out. Smart is what they are.

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Thanks so much for your feedback. You both are so right. My GCC acts how I "thought" a parrot would act, my Sun's not so much. They are EXTREMELY intelligent and VERY manipulative, exactly like precocious toddlers.

It is obvious to me that they figured out that Mommy would always come running if they fluttered and cried. So why stop what works? They have me well trained indeed. Perhaps I should allow them to write a book on human training. Arggg...I have worked with the most difficult horses, headstrong dogs and other animals with a notorious reputation. No problem. Animal whisperer indeed. I get shot in the back by two orange fluff balls. I guess I need to pick my battles with these two monstrosities and be very careful what I reward.

Regardless, I know that they will always one up me so just staying a mere foot behind in some demented way seems like a victory. I have been thoroughly put in my place, lol. Who would have known?

I would be more concerned if someone had a sun conure who was NOT precocious and manipulative. lol. They are NOT to be underestimated.

I stopped trying to outsmart Skittles a LONG time ago. Every time I came up with a new diversion tactic to get him to stop going somewhere or getting into some things, he'd find a way.

I had been trying to stop him from following me into the kitchen- so I put up one of those curtain doorways, and he just flew onto the floor and climbed under it. After that, I just gave up on it. No winning with them. Just making us feel stupid.

I just gotta ask, how in the world do you manage three suns and STILL keep your sanity?
Lol. I had two and an unplanned baby. I was going to sell the baby. The parents weren't feeding the baby enough so I ended taking her to worked and well of course bonded with the little booger. I leave the cage open for them when I am at work so they have access to inside/outside and their adjacent play cave(cat box) they don't scream at night or the morning. They will call out for me while I am at work every 3 hours or so for like 2 mins(I spy on them with an IP cam). Over all it isn't too bad, they are good birds but they do have their moments lol. I take them to the local bird store every weekend so they get exposure with people and other birds for a few hours and when i am home they are generally 5-10 feet away from me. They get enough attention so they are content, plus they have themselves to keep them busy.
I wish I could have a routine like that.

I rarely have company so Skittles doesn't get a lot of interaction with other humans. I live in Maine, so there aren't a whole lot of days where it is even warm enough out to bring him outside so that's pretty sparse too.

But he is free-flighted and with me throughout the day. I am home 95% of the time so he does get plenty of attention. The only thing is, he's such an attention hog! But I wouldn't have it any other way.

I do miss having a bird like Peaches though, my cockatiel. She was so laid back and never got into trouble. Skittles is the exact opposite. He's always getting into things, so its a good thing I can supervise him.

I can't imagine having more than one sun though. lol. But I suppose if they keep each other busy, that's less stress on you.
When they are needy and I need to do something around the house. I will attach my low power laser pointer onto an oscillating fan and that will keep them busy for 20ish mins so I can do a house chore while they are in the same room as me. The look like a pack of mini raptors chasing it around making low pitch grunting sounds. The baby will take the lead and the mom looks like she is trying to reason with it.
My lil Booger is a full time toddler/fledgling. My 30 yo male BFA Cookie took over the "daddy bird" duties and feeds booger crop milk several times a day with Booger beggin for more. These 2 critters have a very interesting and adorable relationship. Right now Booger is snuggled up to Cookie on a perch together napping with Booger being right under Cookies wing.
On a side note however.. even my 30 YO BFA can go "baby bird" on me with the right stimulus... begging like a baby amazon. Just one of those hard wired instincts that seems to stay with them for life.

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