Adjusting sleep schedule


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2024
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Within chirping distance
Ollie McBudgie the Fluffinator
I have been trying shift Ollie from 7 am/pm to 9 am/pm for bedtime/wake time. He isn't really shifting though...he falls asleep even with activity and lights and wakes up at seven ready for action...I feel bad for the little guy who clearly just wants to go to bed but there has been some schedule shifting here and his breakfast needs to be a little later. Any suggestions that might help him get onto a 9 am/pm schedule?
Birds don't need time pieces. They (unfortunately for us) know sun up and sun set. My owner is on a dawn, dusk schedule encouraged by the outside chorus. A friend managed to stop her teil from dawn wake ups by putting him in his travel cage at night. Placing well away from windows, etc. She then ignored him. Then she'd make a big deal with morning chop, a treat etc. Place him back in his normal cage. It took a few months. She read this technique and similar in several articles. He eventually stayed quite until 0830.
It's just tricky because I need to be with him during veggie time as he still needs a lot of encouragement to try them. There was a death in the family and I can't be home at his 7 AM breakfast time. I could feed him earlier at 6 AM, but then I'm not here to encourage him. He won't touch his veggies if left by himself. I am back by 8:30 or 9:00 AM. If I give him his seed mix early he won't eat anything else...
I feel for you. I can be gone all day. No problems at all. But I have to be home for morning chop. I can't stop, drop and leave. Then they engage whatever switch they turn on to ignore formally acceptable food. I have to be seen and/or heard during chop. I have to decide to get up earlier (yuck). I go through the chop routine. Then proceed w my schedule. I sometimes wonder if parrots actually take courses in things like this. I've had to feed her chop as early as 0330 to accommodate my schedule.

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