ACV(Apple cider vinegar) for birds?


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
South Africa
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Hello PF community,

I have heard that ACV is good to give birds a few times a week as it contains a lot of benefits, what is your opinion?

These are some of the videos/articles I found on it:

I also found some posts here reccomending ACV.

More info: my birds drink tank(rain) water that has gone through multiple filtering systems multiple times, such as UV and reverse osmosis, so there is little to no nutrients in it.

Thanks in advance,

Anè and her flock
I have never been a big believer in using Vinegar in a Parrots diet. This do to the other more common use in cleaning and my thing of never mixing Cleaning stuff and Food stuff. But that is just me.
Wow, thanks for introducing me to this topic, I might have to try this! Apple cider vinegar can be used for cleaning, but is also safe for birds if diluted to 1/4 teaspoon of vinegar to 1 cup of water, and giving it no more than 5x a month (but 3x is recommended).
Wow, thanks for introducing me to this topic, I might have to try this! Apple cider vinegar can be used for cleaning, but is also safe for birds if diluted to 1/4 teaspoon of vinegar to 1 cup of water, and giving it no more than 5x a month (but 3x is recommended).
It may not work for some birds, if your birds have digestive issues/sensitivities it is not recommended. I can't personally drink it, even if diluted because it makes me feel nauseous and stuff.. so I don't drink it.

ACV can help for certain health issues in birds.
It may not work for some birds, if your birds have digestive issues/sensitivities it is not recommended. I can't personally drink it, even if diluted because it makes me feel nauseous and stuff.. so I don't drink it.

ACV can help for certain health issues in birds.
Yes, good to know! Mine don't seem to have digestive issues, but Picasso is sensitive to certian medications, so maybe I'll just try diluting it a lot?

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