ACG - 6 years old - possibly coming home today!


New member
Apr 17, 2015
Hi All,

I'm new to the forum. I had posted previously in the conure forum because I was considering becoming a rehome to a Blue Crowned Conure. Upon reflection and after meeting the bird I have decided against this. I'm moving to a semi-detached house that I will be renting and I'm concerned about the ability of conures to make peoples ears bleed. :\ I used to have a patagonian.

I have ALWAYS wanted an African Grey....for over 20 years. Now that I am getting divorced (not my choice) I have decided that I am going to get one just for me. My ex did not want birds. I have located a 6 year old grey looking for a new home. I am going to meet her tonight and may well bring her home. I'm very excited about this as this is the bird I have always wanted! She comes with her cage and if the pic I was sent is recent, her plumage is GORGEOUS! She looks incredibly healthy.

The only thing I would like to know is the owner said that she "bites sometimes". I'm okay with that...I'm not at all nervous with parrots and think I can discourage this behaviour with positive reinforcement. Any other tips would be greatly appreciated! I've been out of the bird world for almost 15 years!

I just wonder if anyone has experience adopting older greys and can tell me what kinds of things I should avoid?

Thanks so much for any info!

Wendy :)
How super exciting, Wendy! I'll let experienced Grey owners chime in here, but I wanted to wish you GOOD LUCK this evening!! :)
CAGS get handled on their own terms. They all SOMETIMES BITE if you push their boundaries. Teach the bird to push your fingers away, and respect his no touch boundaries...
I think the biggest thing with adoption of an older grey is really taking things slow at first and allowing them to become comfortable with you and their new surroundings on their terms and time frame.

The trust with a grey is a very easily damaged thing as they are super sensitive intelligent creatures. Talk to her, read to her, offer her treats and let her come to you in her own time. Don't do anything right at first that will put you in the bad person role such as wing clipping or toe nail clips.

I am sorry about your divorce but happy that you now get to have the bird of your dreams. Please update after you meet her. Don't be discouraged if she is stand offish at first. You have to earn the love of an older grey.:)
Congratulations on your new family member. I have an 11-year-old Congo Grey. My best advice for not being bitten is to respect the bird's right of refusal. I have never once been bitten by my Grey when I correctly read his mood by interpreting his eye shape, body posture, and (sometimes) vocalizations. He's almost always happy to step up and come out of his cage, but sometimes he would rather not. Being a dog person, where dogs respect the "alpha," I had a lot to learn about parrots and how different they are that way. When he indicates that he wouldn't like to come out, I simply say, "Okay, maybe later . . . " and walk away (I admit, I usually go love up on my other bird, a RB cockatoo, even giving him a high-value treat LOL). Then I try again a while later. The Grey is usually happy to come out. More than any of my other birds, he seems to appreciate the extra level of respect afforded him.

The only other thing I'd say is that not all Greys are quiet. I have one of the loudest ones I've ever met or even heard about. He's a happy loud, so it's just his personality (in the wild, his vocation definitely would have been lookout, sentry bird in his flock.

Good luck!
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Thanks everyone for the tips and the welcome!! While I don't have a lot of experience with ACG's I've met a LOT of them (since I am drawn to them wherever I go!) and love their personalities. They're so independent...but at the same time can be so very sweet! I've also heard some good squakers too so I'm hoping this girl is not. But I still believe they are "typically" quieter than conures.

I'm so excited to meet her and possibly bring her home. It's been a long time since I have had to work with a bird so I'm excited about it. It's been an incredibly painful and difficult year and now I'm moving into my own place and will have a new friend to work with. Will definitely not push her to do what she does not want to...within reason. I'm very much looking forward to the experience and introducing her to everyone here and learning from you all about your greys.
Ya, HOO HOO, Happy for your new adventure! FYI, I have been part of the 'walking dead' for over three years(separated), understanding the nightmare and pain of divorce, slowly bleeding out is quite the roller coaster too!
How exciting! Just wanted to chime in on the rehome bird part- you will KNOW if the bird is right. The feelings of doubt you got with the conure won't be there. He/she may not even be particularly friendly towards you when you "meet", but there will still be an immediate connection between you and the bird. We looked at a few birds and there was always SOMETHING in the back of my mind that knew those birds were destined to go home with someone else. The moment I laid eyes on my beautiful Kiwi, I couldn't imagine him being with anyone else (though he needed massive efforts to become socialized).

Hope this bird is the right one for you! It's always exciting to bring home a new family member:)
I am so excited for you! My CAG has been with us for about 7 months, and he is 18 years old now. He was a breeder all his life, and was terrified when he first came to us. He now allows scritches, and I am sure that step up will happen soon. He interacts with us, dancing and talking. He has learned to play with toys, he never had any before. We are letting him do things on his own timetable, and the joy we feel as his trust in us grows is incredible.

I can't wait to hear how things go when you meet her, I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.
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Well I am so disappointed right now!! And angry!

The person who is selling the grey is playing games now. He said she was available for $1,000 with her cage and said if I could offer $1,000 then she was mine. I agreed provided I could meet her and we got along etc. So I made arrangements to go see her this evening. I emailed him this morning and he said he had another offer for $1,000 and if I could beat that offer then I could have her!! RUDE! When I reminded him that he already agreed to sell her to me he came back and said that she is VERY aggressive and was attacking the man who came to see her last night. WTH!? Why not tell me this when I asked about her disposition! Clearly he could care less about finding a good home and only wants money! So looks like I won't be getting her after all. What a dishonorable person! People like that just astonish me. I don't understand them! I just want to give a loving home to a grey! :(
Oh no, this guy is unbelievable. I don't think you could believe a word he has to say at this point. My heart breaks for that poor grey:(
I am so sorry for your disappointment today, but I have a feeling that you will soon find the perfect grey for you.
Sounds like my daughter's boyfriend! Now, hmmm, if you posted the link and we all made him a visit--Kidding, do not post that link for several reasons! Also against forum rules!
Am really so sorry! Remember, the grey's disposition may be a direct result of either the jerk, or the new person that tried to meet her! So, if this flipper comes back, you may want to reconsider! If I was that grey, I would have an attitude too! As everyone said, don't expect her to fall all over you, but if it feels right on your part, go for it. I am NOT experienced with grey's, but if you have to earn their trust, as said, that creates a loyal relationship, worth having!
Clearly this man is a jerk. Highest bidder of a LIVING animal is beyond disgusting! Frankly I have lost money on every bird I have ever had to sadly re-home because the actual home was more important than money.

Very sad that this turned out the way it has. Well see how this plays out, it maybe that the person she was aggressive to was not her kind of person. I really do believe with mature birds that as Kiwibird said you will feel a connection or not and know instinctively if it is the right bird for you.
Well I am so disappointed right now!! And angry!

The person who is selling the grey is playing games now. He said she was available for $1,000 with her cage and said if I could offer $1,000 then she was mine. I agreed provided I could meet her and we got along etc. So I made arrangements to go see her this evening. I emailed him this morning and he said he had another offer for $1,000 and if I could beat that offer then I could have her!! RUDE! When I reminded him that he already agreed to sell her to me he came back and said that she is VERY aggressive and was attacking the man who came to see her last night. WTH!? Why not tell me this when I asked about her disposition! Clearly he could care less about finding a good home and only wants money! So looks like I won't be getting her after all. What a dishonorable person! People like that just astonish me. I don't understand them! I just want to give a loving home to a grey! :(

I have an idea. Clearly this man is a <include your own choice word here>.
How about you still make arrangements to go see the bird. IF you click with her, and/or find you have a connection with her, then offer him $1001. Then you definitely 'beat' the other person's offer.

He's doing a rotten thing, and I hope someone beats him at his own game!
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The guy I was dealing with became so incredibly ignorant and rude to me that I had to block him from my email. What a disreputable person! I feel so bad for that AG. Sure hope he finds a loving home in spite of the $$'s and the jerk!

On the positive side I actually found a better one! I would post a pic but I don't use an external site to store my pictures so I can't. She's almost four years old and the family has had her since before she was weaned. She is incredibly affectionate with the entire family, likes to walk around on the floor, can be held on her back, and enjoys having her neck scritched. She sat with me no problem although she was understandably nervous, and only nipped when I pushed her too far, in typical AG fashion.

The people really love her and were going to sell her to a woman in Toronto (about an hour away from here) but they like that she will be close, they can visit AND they have agreed to babysit her when I go on my vacation in July. I would normally take her, but not this soon after bringing her into my home. I've ordered a new cage for her as well...the one she is in is far too small...and I pick that up on Saturday and then she comes home Saturday evening! I will be transitioning her from her old to her new cage over a long period of time.

SO! You never know how things will work out! The guy I dealt with was an incredible [insert rude name here] (and he gave me his address! DUH!) and unbelievably rude! Like wow. So I'm glad I don't have to deal with him anymore. Karma will find him one day!

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