Accident while on vacation


New member
Sep 18, 2015
Hi all,
We came on a week's vacation with with our blue-headed pionus, Darwin, 7, and our mini poodle Tasha. Unfortunately, I took my eyes off Darwin for a few minutes last night. This is an unfamiliar, spacious house. He was out and flying around and next thing I saw and heard was a ball like object hitting the ground at the foot of the long staircase. I thought my husband shoe and fallen down the stairs. I ran over and it was Darwin with a small abrasion (not bleeding) on his head. After a few moments, he was his usual self, eating, talking, interacting. The same today. We are deep in the woods of the Berkshires in western MA, and OUR MOBILE PHONES DON'T WORK for calls or texts, though it does take and send emails. The nearest emergency vet is an hour away and I don't know if we'll be able to be seen. I'm wondering if we can wait till we get back to Boston on Sunday, given that he appears fine. On the other hand, if something internal is happening, I'd rather not wait. Thoughts, anyone?
Hi all,
We came on a week's vacation with with our blue-headed pionus, Darwin, 7, and our mini poodle Tasha. Unfortunately, I took my eyes off Darwin for a few minutes last night. This is an unfamiliar, spacious house. He was out and flying around and next thing I saw and heard was a ball like object hitting the ground at the foot of the long staircase. I thought my husband shoe and fallen down the stairs. I ran over and it was Darwin with a small abrasion (not bleeding) on his head. After a few moments, he was his usual self, eating, talking, interacting. The same today. We are deep in the woods of the Berkshires in western MA, and OUR MOBILE PHONES DON'T WORK for calls or texts, though it does take and send emails. The nearest emergency vet is an hour away and I don't know if we'll be able to be seen. I'm wondering if we can wait till we get back to Boston on Sunday, given that he appears fine. On the other hand, if something internal is happening, I'd rather not wait. Thoughts, anyone?
I am not a vet.
But I have had my birds hit walls and windows multiple times.
Other than being a bit stunned, sometimes seconds sometimes a couple of minutes.
They have all recovered fine.

If there was blood, broken bones I would take them in immediately.
But what can a veterinarian do for a bird with a concussion?
Is there a treatment?
I suspect if there is a treatment for concussion it would need to be given soon after the injury.
This is not underestimating the seriousness of the situation, but as long as he is able to eat, drink and move about without issues, it is likely you were amazingly lucky! You will need to be very observant over the next few days and keep the activity level on the mild side.

Keep an eye on the area of and around the small abrasion. You would be looking for change in coloration of the skin and/or swelling!

Set-up a follow-up visit to his vet when you get home.

With great hope, you got lucky, very lucky!

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