Abuse of Birds

I deleted the text of this post because it was very personal, and perhaps inappropriate - sorry
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Abuse is such an evil with such terrible, far reaching consequences :(
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Some of these stories really are unbearable to hear, and I can't imagine how it must feel to be dealing with this stuff first hand, but it's also a wonderful thing to know that those of you telling the stories are out there making a positive difference - whether it's for one bird or for hundreds, you guys are amazing!
People who maliciously physically or mentally abuse animals need help. It's absolutely appalling. I've never first-hand witnessed the worst sorts, but I'm a sucker for programs about animal rescues. They always make me cry.

However, one of the biggest beasts is just simply a total lack of information out there. Lack of information about where animals come from and about proper husbandry. Sometimes horror cases are simply the result of a well-intentioned owner who doesn't know any better. Of course it's up to the individual to do research before you buy an animal, but it sickens me how plainly some breeders and pet shops are willing to sell an animal to someone just to make a cheap buck-- not telling them about special care requirements, or outright lying.

I bought Lady from a terrible pet shop (I never would under normal circumstances, but something just clicked...) there was at least 16 budgies in a 12x12x12 display case. The staff saw people walking by and doing things like yelling into the bars or raking their hands across the bars and terrifying the poor birds but did nothing-- they in fact, tried to talk THOSE PEOPLE into BUYING the birds.

I'm sure we all know that you never see an article or new snippet about what complex animals parrots are and how much research someone should do before even considering buying one, but I know first-hand that almost no-one knows how complex of animals say, rabbits are. They can be free roam animals, they require hay and proper pellets and fresh veggies daily. They can be litter trained and learn tricks, and need mental stimulation and lots of room to exercise (in a large cage if they are kept in one, and daily time outside of the cage of at least 2 hours). They can live up to 12 years. Yet, the average person thinks they sit in a tiny cage and eat a seed mix, living just 3 or 4 years. It all just makes me sad....
I think every pet store, and every breeder, or anybody who is transfering ownership of a pet, should be required to include at least a one page 'care instructions' sheet that included proper diet information and even the number and address of a local vet.
We provide "care instructions"... description of diet, that species, how to avoid problems... it's actually about a 10 page packet that includes information about the individual birds preferences AND the egg shell the bird hatched from. But I am not a big breeder anymore. I like to keep it small, so I am not really considered a "pet shop". I am a bit more like a hobby breeder these days. The one page care sheets provided by petco are a JOKE, and WRONG.

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