About me and my bird.


New member
Apr 15, 2013
Melbourne, Australia.
Male Alexandrine Parrot named Ollie
Hello parrot lovers, ive recently stubled apon this site and thought id join and tell you about me and my bird ollie.
My names Corey and I'm from Melbourne, Australia. Im a 19 year old student with a passion for all animals.
I've had my pet Male Alexanrine for just over a year now. His name is Ollie and i bought him when he was 9 months old from a previous owner.
He has his quriks and a personality like no other. I feel he is finally starting to really bond with me after some time of adjustment.
Fortunatly Ollie was never a biter making training and holding much easier.
He has a beautiful home with every family member loving him to bits. He also shares the house with my pet cat, dog and snake.

Im looking foward to sharing problems and issues that may arise when owning ollie and hopefully share my knowledge on parrots.



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Hi Corey,
Welcome to the forum! I'm looking forward to seeing photos of Ollie, many of us here love seeing photos. :)
Hi and welcome to the forum. Ollie is a pretty bird:)

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