A year late


New member
Apr 29, 2014
New Jersey
Swoop~Blue and Gold Macaw (30 years young)
I'm not sure why it took me a year to introduce myself. My name is Nancy and I live in N.J.

Right now we have our Blue and Gold Macaw Swoop (Wooper), he is 27 years old and we got him in Oct. 1988. We also have our Lesser Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, Scooter, she is 25 and we got her in July 1990.

We've also had a Double Yellow Headed Amazon, Baby Huey, she unfortunately passed away before she was two. She had a pretty big vocabulary and could also sing. Our Blue Headed Pionus, Ziggy, passed away when she was 14 years old.

Scooter has been ill since Feb.7, we're not sure what's going on with her. She's been on different medications and she's not getting better. :(
Hi there Nancy, and thank you for the introduction! :)

I'm sorry to hear that Scooter hasn't been feeling well. May I ask which vet you use for her (I'm also in Jersey, and I use Dr. Michael Doolen @ NorStar Vets).

So sorry to hear you lost your DYH at such a young age, and how terrible it must have been when you lost Ziggy. :(

Welcome again!!
Hi Nancy and welcome!
I am so sorry for your loss of Baby Huey and Ziggy:(
I hope that the vet can figure out what's wrong with Scooter soon, it is so hard when one of our babies is ill.
I'm glad you joined us and please let us know how Scooter is progressing.
Hello Nancy, Never mind that it took a year, we are happy to see your introduction and happy to welcome you now.

Condolences for your loss of Baby Huey and Ziggy. I'm so sorry you had to say goodby.

I hope you are able to find the cause of Scooter's illness soon. It's so frustrating when the treatments don't lead to recovery.

We'd love to see photos of Swoop and Scooter!
Welcome Nancy :). That's wonderful your babies have been with you so long. I too have had my Red Bellied parrot since he was a youngster in 1994. I look at him and I can't believe it's been that long.

I'm sorry for the premature loss of the DYH and Pionus. I've been through that stuff too. Best wishes for Scooter. I hope you can get to the root of the problem soon, and that she gets well asap.

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