A very special companion, JoJo!


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2014
Greater Orlando area, Florida
JoJo, 'Special' GCC, Bongo, Cinnamon GCC(wife's)
My love, best friend, companion, JoJo is blowing me away as I type! Up front, I know I have violated isolation protocol, am fully aware! I pray this won't cost me my JoJo!
Well, background, rescued lovebirds, with babies! Two little ones, 6 weeks old, severely plucked by, I think, mama, pulled from main cage today! Because of environment, I have the babies inside-today, at a distance, JoJo watched them.

I come home, do my JoJo routine, but JoJo immediately flys to the babies and starts feeding them! I panic, seperate them, and finish my work day with JoJo, outside.
Well, back in the house, JoJo is now trying to comfort and feed the babies!
To you all, this may be BAU, but my JoJo has just proved she is leading me!

Needed to add, JoJo is feeding them through the cage!
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Sounds like JoJo wants to be a Mommy bird! I think it's sweet of her to know they are babies and want to take care of them.
David, That is the sweetest thing. Reading about JoJo taking care of the babies with you like she just knows it's the right thing to do. Not BAU at all, these moments are priceless.
That's so sweet! I think this is excellent, and shows real compassion on JoJo's part. :) So happy to hear.
My ex had a lovebird that was a male and older. He worked at a pet store, and brought home a little baby lovebird that none thought would live. Same thing happened, the older lovebird fed the little baby and took care of him! They ended up being the best buddies (two males) and lived tougher for 15 years until the older one died. The other lived another 10 years.

I think that is so sweet.
OH WOW! Reading this just made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! :D What a sweet JoJo you have there, David!! :smile015: She is a VERY special girl, no doubt about it!!
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Thank you all, I have to admit, getting into the rescue mode is very overwhelming! These little guys only want to live! When it is going bad, their pain is so real! A good 55+ years ago I was doing the same thing(8 years old), but I felt it was my responsibility to handle the ugly, kill, when things went wrong, and this was so hard! Sorry, the terms, putting down, putting to sleep, really, really bother me! I am killing them and I am susposed to justify it as being humane! Sorry for the diversion! A hard time for me at the moment
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Really sorry for that post! Am tempted to delete it. Holidays tend to be hard for me!

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