A Thread for all the Jasper Addicts

its like how i feel about the millet sometimes i found the bag the other day open on the floor. I"m assuming its Julius he is a total foodie.
Why can I relate so much :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
its disgusting and i try to discourage it with fresh food but no... apparently week old food I missed while cleaning is best.
I relate so much but if we're going to talk about budgies, would it hurt to move the conversation elsewhere? This is Jasper's thread after all
ANYWAY to get back on track...
Here are all the Jasper photos on this thread so far (in case you just wanted them all in one place)
Screenshot 2022-01-05 3.58.46 PM.webp
Screenshot 2022-01-04 3.35.14 PM.webp
Screenshot 2022-01-04 3.33.54 PM.webp
I started a thread for funny bird things lol.
Quick thing though, we already have a thread for funny budgie stories, so please in the future see if the thread is already made!

Disclaimer, I'm just making a point, not trying to say the thread isn't a good idea!
Tiki, I hope you're satisfied!
This is what I could get of him in flight:
Screenshot 2022-01-07 5.28.11 PM.webp
Random pic:
Screenshot 2022-01-14 1.49.55 PM.webp
Me tryibg to fingure out ehat heโ€™s doing:
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He's hanging upside down, but only with one foot, because he expects me to catch him if he falls! Even though he can fly...
This is also his way of claiming the perch and scaring my other birds away
Screenshot 2022-01-17 11.33.50 AM.webp

He's always watching you...
Waiting for the right moment to strike...
And then...
Stealing your walnuts!! :eek: RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!

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