A sad farewell

As a side note{another thought} on the thing about what birds eat in the wild~ Please keep in mind that birds have access to things in the wild we cannot provide. For example- if I were to give my Mousebird some of the things he eats in the wild it would kill him. The reason is there are other things he would take in, that helps him to purge the toxins of certain foods he would eat.
Birds kept in captivity, and birds in the wild can barely be compared. We can do what we can to provide stimulation, foraging opportunities, companionship, and the best diets, but we will never come close to what mother nature offers....particularly with respect to flight. On the other hand, birds in captivity generally live longer than birds in the wild. Could be diet, lack of predation...lots of factors there.
Don't leave on account of anything I have said. Do what feels right for you.:cool:
Okay, I know this is a dumb question, but why are the words 'spe******ts' and 'spe******ed' not allowed? I found it in my last posting and also in MaraWentz posting. Are they somehow related to the 'f' word? I've gone through all the rules in posting for this forum and found nothing related. Is this just some picky thing by a moderator? Would like to know, because if these words aren't allowed, but advise telling lorikeet owners to give seed is allowed, my vet just might be right in finding another forum. Right now, I'm a bit afraid to post anything for fear of breaking some rule.

From what I understand, the system sees the word ci alis (take out the space) in the middle of that word, and that's why it blanks it out. Doesn't make a bit of sense, it's just what happens.

"Ci alis" is a "male-enhancement drug", and if you ever take a gander at a bad Spam box, you'll probably see spam mail for it or some knockoff. I just assume they block the word because a bot could get on here and start advertising for it - bu obviously censoring that word wouldn't really make such a situation any less irritating, so...

I read this whole thread and I'm pretty baffled as to why the OP got so upset O_o
But really what I wanted to say was that, in the first post, the OP said he was advised that he doesn't have to watch a lorikeet's weight, and that troubled me quite a bit. It seems to assume that because they have a fast metabolism, they aren't really in danger of getting too heavy. I doubt that's entirely true, but I won't comment on that. ALL birds should have their weights monitored not only to make sure they aren't getting too hefty, but to be sure they're not LOSING weight either. This is particularly important for a bird with a high metabolism that doesn't store much fat! If it gets sick and starts losing weight, that could become a potentially fatal problem very, very quickly.
We for the most part are not experts or vets, but only loving pet owners sharing our experiences and limited knowledge on any given subject. So, any advice given or taken should be done with a grain of salt. Most folks are just making conversation while others are truely just trying to help. Would it be best to just tell anyone who asks a question to call your local vet and leave it at that? We can do that, but then it would take the fun out of this sight which is for sharing information and fellowship.

But with that said, I hope the original poster doesn't decide to leave because of this one incident. I would suggest sticking around, contributing and taking suggestions or advice lightly and if it's imparative then take your bird to a qualified vet, which we are not.

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