I don't hate ignorance unless its coupled with the unwillingness to learn to do better....we all probably did some dumb stuff during our first experiences with birds. I think we need to be careful to not scare people away...if you don't know, you don't know that you don't know. But eventually, they might come for help and then we can make a bird and a person happy. Hate is a pretty strong term for just not knowing.
I do hate ABUSIVE pet owners...and that's not the same thing IMHO.
You know, your right, I've been using the wrong terminology. I hate ignorant bird owners who just dont care to learn or are too lazy to do anything about their lack of understanding. Unwillingness to be responsible for a sacred life.
I am very opinionated about how people tke care of their birds. I need to learn to keep my mouth shut alot, because i can walk into someone's home and see one or two things that i dont agree with and i end up ridiculing them. (after i try helping and they just dont care)
Like for instance. I met these people who have a blue and gold and an umbrella. Ok so i visit their birds and the blue and gold is plucked bare. They can hardly handle him to begin with. Hes full of energy and he loved me, i handled him with no problem nd they looked at me like i was a bird god or something. i just didnt show him any fear and i was like "Your either gonna let me touch you and give you treats and toys or your gonna be bored and ignored" basically.
So i ask them why he was plucking. They said they had no idea. so i asked a few questions about has his cage been moved, is there new stuff going on, etc etc. come to find out the plucking started when they got the umbrella cockatoo. these are the 2 reasons he was plucking
1) he was not getting any attention except getting yelled at when he screamed
2) he is scared of the cockatoo and they have him right next to the cockatoos cage. (when the cockatoo is noisy it upsets the blue and gold)
So i said, ok so you guys realize he's probably plucking because he's scared of the cockatoo right?
"yeah well we sorta had that idea"
So you guys realize the best thing you could possibly do right now is seperate them and have them in different rooms, and then work with them to get them to like each other which is not really that difficult
"yeah but we really dont have the time to do all that and we dont want the birds in any other room because their messy and noisy"
So i started yelling at them about how their causing this poor blue and gold to
SUFFER HORRIBLY because they are terrible people who are selfish enough to keep them in the same room when he is scared to death of the other bird in the room, and because they refuse to work with the birds, and because they ignore the B&G now that they have a "New toy"
Which btw when they introduced me to the cockatoo they referred to him as "their new expensive toy"
They even asked me if they should trade in the B&G to get a "better" bird that has feathers and is pretty
I told them there's nothing wrong with the bird, its them thats flawed and they have no business owning any birds at all and that i would call the authorities if they didnt do something about it (they got a nice official restraining order placed on me after that happened)