A quick backstory and more info abaut my cocatille.


Aug 7, 2022
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The parrot whith the red cheeks
2 pale heded rosellas
So , this is going to be a follow up abaut my cocatille in my first qanda thread.

I started trying to give my coatille chapa (his name is Tom). My parents did buy me 2 pale heded rosellas about a year ago, so Tom has interacted with them more. I didn't try to give him chapa until now because Tom didn't like it, but now that I've decided to put Tom on a diet and limit his millets and only give him smaller amounts of it, he seems to like it more. I think he eats it now because my rosellas love eating chapa, so he may be more interested in eating it because they are eating it, but I'm not sure.

From here I'l tell my birds history with me.

I wanted to mention a few more things. For seven years, Tom has been with me. I used to grab him and stuff for about 2-3 years. For the next 4–ish years, Tom just sat in my and my parents' shared room. After that, my dad got a ''Rambow Rosella," but it flew away(so at the time, Tom was with me for about 5 years) .

(Where I live, summers are pretty hot. So we used to take bird cages outside. One of the cage doors was broken, and so it didn't shut completely, but at the time, me and my parents forgot about that. The door was shut, but it didn't take much force to open it. Rosella got a little panicky when we set the cage down on the grass, it started flying around the cage, and after a little banging around, it got out and flew away.)

Since I was sad at the time for losing Rosella so fast, my parents decided to get another cocatille. This cocatille (I named him Melanija, but here I'll call him Mills) I believe Mills was a male and my parents both him from a shop. I think Mills was way more interested in me and destroying my stuff, so it was an easier start with Mills. He was a little scared at first, but after a bit, he would eat millets out of my hand, sit on my computer, and just spend a lot of time with me. This also enkuriged Tom to get a little closer to me, but not as close as to eat stuff from my hand. But few days ago Mills sadly also flew away (Mills was with me for 2 years).

(Mills had a little more unexpected escape. I had a window which I would usually hold open. It had a net on it, but we glued it on with cheap hot glue. Mills loved to climb on the net and just look out of the window, mostly trying to communicate with our chickens. One of the corners got loose, so the corner would fold if any pressure was put on it. quincidentaly Mills decided to come to that same corner that was loose, so it flaped open and Mills escaped.)

Ever since Mills escaped, it feels like Tome has lost any trust in me. If before, Tom was ok with some interactions, such as sitting near me or something similar, but after Mills escaped, he felt like a new parrot. My 2 pale heded rosellas weren't influenced by Mills's escape. They did try to call Mills, but their behavior didn't change that much. But Tom was really upset, which led me to my first post about Tom and can I still tame him.

Here Im gona just tell on why I cant bring Tom to vet and why I dont whant to sell him. (I also do realise that It vill probobalie be beter for Tom to be rehomed but I explane why I dont whant to do it)

Rehoming is my last option because Tom was both from a shity cocatille breedery. The person who sold him to my parents clamed that he was 4 months old, but as far as I remember, Tom didn't have any discolorations on him when we firs both him, and as far as I read, cocatille first sheds at about 6-12 months ( If I understood correctly, before their first adult molt, their colors might be a little more finiky and their colors change a little after their first molt). Tom is also a cocatille who is manly white with black patches on his wings, so I'm not sure how old he is. The seller also didn't have any papers and didn't know much about cocatilles and how to take care of them. For this reason, I'm not sure if Tom is only 7 or if he is older than that. So I find it hard to believe the seller. And the second reason is that I don't know about his health. I'd love to bring him to a vet, but where we live, exotic pets are a really rare thing to own, so the only vets we have are really far and expensive. I do not want to sell Tom just for him to die in his new family just a few days in, or for the new family to bring him to a vet just to realize that he has some sickness or something worse. I was really upset after I lost Mills, and I don't want someone to get Tome just to realize that he isn't going to live for very long or something.

So for now, I'm going to keep working on Tom and I will try to tame him and take much better care of him. Even if Tom doesn't want to be tamed after everything that he has been through, I don't want to sell or give someone a sick or old bird that may just die at any moment. (I don't think that he is in pain or is close to dying, but I have no way to tell and I don't want to risk giving people a new pet that they get attached to and then for him to just die or something).

There is picture with Tom on my pilov sleeping.


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I would love to hear more about Tom and help you get him to be more friendly!

My Quaker Willow was not friendly when he came to live with me two years ago and now he lets me pet him and kiss his head. He wants to preen my eyelashes and eyebrows and he takes a shower with me if I’m not in a big hurry. I am teaching him to not be afraid of toys because he only had a couple and was scared of everything else. He’s also learning to eat different foods and to step up better.

Where do you live that you have such idea as rosellas? They are not very common in US.

I would use staples or nails to put a net or screen over my window. They are easy to use, too.
I would love to hear more about Tom and help you get him to be more friendly!

My Quaker Willow was not friendly when he came to live with me two years ago and now he lets me pet him and kiss his head. He wants to preen my eyelashes and eyebrows and he takes a shower with me if I’m not in a big hurry. I am teaching him to not be afraid of toys because he only had a couple and was scared of everything else. He’s also learning to eat different foods and to step up better.

Where do you live that you have such idea as rosellas? They are not very common in US.

I would use staples or nails to put a net or screen over my window. They are easy to use, too.
I live in Europe, specifically in one of the Baltic states.

Rosellas are occasionally sold in stores, so they are fairly common; however, cocatilles are more common because there isn't much information about Rosellas on the internet.

My window has this plastic type of frame. So I'm not sure if I can use nails, but I will definitely try and see if it works (well, it will probably hold the net, but I'm not sure if it will or won't damage the window frame).

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