A parrot "mini-encyclopedia"

"Data in the day"....hmmmmm....I imagine what you're trying to say is something like "Data correct as at 03.12.2021"?
Exactly! Thank you so much :)

Usually this is indicated quite simply like this:

“Updated 03.12.2021”
Hmmm... this sounds to me a bit like this would be updated in the future while I'm not going to update :06: but maybe I'm too literal

Anyway, in the next presenation there will be a correction informations --> information, so I also can change Data correct as at --> Updated
I'll think what to do
I've just made the second one and included the corrections:

Extra discription:
* In American English written Timneh (African) gray parrot

P. t. principe also called is as principe grey(/gray) parrot (Probably it depends on the classification)

Voice: https://www.xeno-canto.org/216300

More information:

Disription of Psittacinae (in general):
Two genera belong to Psittacinae: Psittacus and Poicephalus.
Timneh & Congo grey parrots (Psittacus) are one of the most inteligent parrots (however they aren't "number 1") and one of the species with best mimic skills (next to Amazons). If you decide to take them you have to remember about their negative features and they won't always learn talking. They often are attached to just one owner.
Poicephalus parrots are quite quiet (remember, it is a relative concept - they also scream). The most common species of this genus is the Senegal parrot.
Looks good Roz, very professional :)
Thank you Martina :)

If you want I can post all the pictures, which I will be creating. It's taken 3 months since I created this thread but on July I will have a lot of free time, so I will be able to realize all my ideas (recently I was too busy with my another idea, in general I shocked myself because I write so much...)
Go right ahead Roz, I'd love to see them :)
It all looks pretty good to me, Roz :)
Thank you Martina:)
I posted a link this time because photos disappear

Idk why I thought that you don't have fb account;) Believe me - every time when I see photos of purple crowned lorikeets I think about princess Lilly Pilly:D
I don't think this one will disappear :)

That Fb account you may (or may not!) have seen actually belongs to the Crown Princess, I just maintain it for Her ;)
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Thanks Martina:)

Before Facebook became so popular, here in Poland we had another social media, which had been so common (almost like fb today). Then I had 2 budgies and I created an acount for 'em there :D

Yeah, I've seen you because I had a notrification. Now if forum has a problem, I will know how to contact you ;) (once time when the forum had a 24h breakdown, I wanted to ask Scott on fb if it was only to me 'cause I knew only his account but I was too afraid to do it hahaha:D)
No worries Roz! HRH's humble servant will always be happy to help you :)
First class work again, Roz, it's looking great! :D
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Lovely work yet again, Roz! I popped the pic into your post for ease of viewing, and this one should not disappear on you :)

Only teeny tiny error I saw was under "Breeding season", you left an "r" out of "northern".

Otherwise, splendid work!

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