A long overdue update on Fargo


Active member
Aug 9, 2012
Queensland, Australia
Fargo- Blue and Gold Macaw
[FONT=&quot]Hi everyone!

I know it has been many years since I last posted, but I saw a comment in a very old thread asking if Fargo and I had made it over the years (through college etc).

I can happily say - YES! [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I have now had Fargo for about 6 ½ years, since I was 17. [/FONT]
I have lived out of home alone since I was 20, with Fargo along-side me every step of the way. I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Medical Science, and then moved interstate to complete my Master’s degree in Marine Science and Management. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]As well as a giant blue bird, our family includes three horses, two dogs, and a rabbit! [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Fargo has always been an absolute gem, of course he has his days when he has tantrums like every child, but he is still the adorable cheeky boy. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I am busy studying and working like always, SCUBA diving, researching whales (I will add some photos of my marine life adventures in the next comment)[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]But for now. Here are some photos of Fargo and the other family members over the last few months (Except for the biking one, that was about 2 years ago, I really need to get back into exercising). [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]All the best,[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Tab, Fargo, Finley, Arlo, Ira, Keltar, Klaatu & Kyros.

The Pups

The K's

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Swimming with whales (research):

Marine park volunteering:


And enjoying the beach life:
Hey it’s my birdie nephew. ������

Such amazing photos Tab. Ira has grown so much since we last saw him. We must catch up and chat one day.
Oh, wow, not only you "made it" you made it a succes!
That is so great to see (read).
You really are living the life- good for you! :)

(I am only a tiny bit jealous, grinnn)

Thank you for sharing this.
(LOL I thought you decided to keep penguins in the house for a moment, great creatures, but the neighbours would not appreciate the smell I guess)
I know this is an almost 2 yr old thread, but I was wondering how Fargo and Tab were doing after all these years. 🦋

Hope they're still doing well. 🌺
Tab and Fargo are still doing well. We catch up from time to time via Facebook and also if we are visiting each other’s towns.
Amanda, Tab had a fourth black horse whose name began with 'K' (I forget its name after all this time, but I think it was a warmblood). She also had a Maremma puppy. Do you know what happened to those (living with AJ, maybe?). It would be so good to get a fresh update - will you please let Tab know we're all agog to hear of her latest adventures? :)

PS. I *knew* she'd go on with her studies once she finished Medical Science! She's too clever not to!
Trish it was Kitai. ��. Tab is also now doing her PHD. I will let know her the team on parrot forums are asking after her and Fargo.

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