A Kermit Training Update

Glad to hear trick-training is going well! Keep up the good work :D For flight recall, just try gradually increasing the distance from a short hop to a little flutter until you can get her to fly farther.

Oh, and here’s a pic of Sir Kermit outside for motivation :) I got him a new green Aviator which he seems to like better than his black one, but maybe it’s just that he’s more used to wearing harnesses in general.


If you wouldn’t mind I have one question, how would you rate your Pack-o-Bird? I’ve been thinking of getting one for a long time, but as you know they’re really expensive and I’m just not sure if it’s worth the price for just a carrier.
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Ooof, it's been a hot second since I posted here. No reason, just life and what-not getting in the way. Kermit still gets lots of love and safflower seeds daily, but I lapsed entirely on her training. Life was just feeling like a bit too much, and I hated feeling like I was checking a box to train her instead of doing it because I enjoyed it.

The other day I pulled out the rings after not using them for 6 months. Kermit took to them instantly as if we hadn't even skipped a day. I don't think she'll ever be 100% on language recognition in regards to my hypothesis that conures can learn 2 word sentences, but there were plenty of uncanny moments where she identified the correct color when I asked without needing a gesture. I would like to get back into our rings more and see what a fresh perspective might yield on my little experiment :)

I gave up entirely on the harness, it just wasn't enjoyable for either of us. The Pak-o-bird is awesome, though, and gives Kermit the freedom I wanted her to have. I can't comment how it compares to other similar carriers, but I like the durability of it and the fact it isn't too heavy. I would like to revisit target training, which Kermit never gravitated to, just because I think it's important for her to learn... we'll see if I can make some progress on that front.

Otherwise, Kermit is just living her best Kermit life. She's such a flirt! I really appreciate how well we socialized her as a baby because she does remarkably well with strangers. My cousin came over to visit the other day and after doin her whole 'observe and confirm he is not danger', she hopped right on his finger for a safflower :) She's also quite fond of my grandmother's new caretaker, to the point where we sometimes have to keep her away from being too friendly. Kermit still thinks I'm 2nd rate, though, which is... okay. I swear I'm not hurt little green demon.

I'd like to close this update with a picture from the beast in action. Fear her, but only if you're a raspberry:
Thank you so much for sharing this!!! I was debating on starting harness training to allow my GCC to get some fresh air and explore the yard.

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