A Hy high

CRUSH, yes, but CHOP....no.
Everyone knows they can BREAK bones, but the grinding motion of the beak makes it so they can't chop your arm off.
MAYBE they could take your finger off...but I doubt it. The tip of it maybe.
Stop trying to macho-fy parrots. God.

I've got a great idea here. Let's conduct an experiment. This is what I want you to do. Please make sure that you follow the step-by-step instructions that I am about to give you (and take extensive notes as to your findings).

#1 - Procure a mated/bonded set of Adult Hyacinth macaws (the longer they have been bonded the more accurate the results).

#2 - During the height of breeding season (March, April, May), completely separate the breeding pair (make sure that they are out of calling range of each other, there will probably need to be 2 to 3 miles between the two of them). To make this even more accurate make sure that the male of the pair sees you take away his female mate/partner (the male is easily discerned from the female, he is the slightly larger of the two).

#3 - After about 3 or 4 days of complete separation between the mated Adult Hyacinths, proceed to taunt, tease, and otherwise annoy the Male Hyacinth who is inside his cage.

#4 - After about half an hour of taunting, feel free to go into the male's enclosure and try to handle said male Hyacinth Macaw ...

#5 - While at the hospital, please ask the doctor who is patch-working you back together how many stitches he thinks it is going to take to put all of your pieces back together, a la 'humpty dumpty'. Also, make sure you ask your specialist just how long, if ever, does he think it will take for you to regain the complete use of your Opponens Pollicis Muscle and if he thinks he can completely repair the damage to your Metacarpal-1 bone (please make sure you get very accurate notes to his, or her, reply to these questions) ...

Let me know how this little expirement works out for you ...

Here, however, is a more serious question, if you aren't a fan of parrots and you are only looking to cause trouble why did you sign up here in the first place?

(for those of you who find this step-by-step amusing, this was actually a situation that I guy I know had to deal with. His friend had six pairs of mated/bonded Hys. One of the females got really sick and had to be taken to the vets, where she unfortunately was unable to be saved. The male became so grief stricken with the loss of his mate that he just became a very angry, and was unable to be handled safely - he did actually tear off the handler's thumb at one point (surgically it was reattached) before the rehab started the only safe was to handle this Hy was with chainmail gloves (the kinds that inexperienced chefs use in the kitchen to keep from cutting themselves) and a sleeve up both arms of the same material ... )

So, Shmexay, until you have seen what I have seen, please don't tell me that it couldn't happen ... because it CAN, and IT HAS!
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Ouch, does the guy still breed them? Does he have control of his finger? That must've been a scary situation, amazing what a bird can do!

I wonder if anything attacks these birds in the wild.... if the predator screwed up he better hope he gets away with all four legs and all his toes.
Interesting. However, in The Beak Book by Sally Blanchard, it states that parrots cannot "chop" fingers off.

Now tear off, yes, perhaps that could happen, if it rips the muscle and flesh and all off of the finger. Or maybe if it hit a joint... but not "chop" it off. Have you seen one chop a person's arm off? Hell, unless it's the arm of an anorexic teenager, I doubt its beak could even fit around the arm to "chop" it off as you claim can happen.

If you want a pet that can eat people, buy a Goonch catfish or an Anaconda (they do sell them as pets). Jesus.
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They sell anacondas? Now THAT is something to ban... hear about the HR669 bill? - Anaconda should be banned, not much else.
Yes they do. They should ban them. I also seriously doubt someone could provide it with proper space either.

Though some people claim Anacondas cannot eat people....the shoulders are too broad, still, they CAN eat kids.

And goonch catfishes are sold as pets......because everyone wants an eight-foot flesh eating catfish in their home!
....because everyone wants an eight-foot flesh eating catfish in their home!

If this were on that other thread I might have to throw in a JW joke here.

OMG .... Too funny!!

Well, now I have an idea as to how to get rid of those pesky door-to-door sales people ...

"Honey, quick, bring 'Fluffy' out here, there's a salesman at the door! Honey ... Honey??"
....because everyone wants an eight-foot flesh eating catfish in their home!

If this were on that other thread I might have to throw in a JW joke here.

OMG .... Too funny!!

Well, now I have an idea as to how to get rid of those pesky door-to-door sales people ...

"Honey, quick, bring 'Fluffy' out here, there's a salesman at the door! Honey ... Honey??"

Hahaha! :D

"fluffy" - perfect name for a giant flesh eating fish! haha
I actually have a goonch catfish...she's only a little baby now. When she gets too big I'm donating her to a public aquarium (somebody bought it and then didn't want it). These catfish were in a doctumentary called "River Monsters", you can find it on Google.

Her name is Peaches. =)
I think I've seen that.

I used to have a bunch of fish, after they died I never bought anymore. I had some small catfish, nothing like that, though!

Are they native to China?

WHat do you have to feed it? Since it's a baby, just pellet/flake food, or meat?
They aren't native to China, they are from South America.

I feed it some pellets and meat, for example: earthworms, hot dogs, raw chicken, etc.

I don't give her livefoods, unless you count earthworms.
Wow! Hot dogs! How big is it now? Few inches or feet? :)
She's only 10" right now, so pretty small. :)

I have some other fish which are a few feet tho - scary!
10", that's almost a foot! I never had anything even 10"... forget about a few feet!
I need to look this thing up!
Based on the jokes coming to mind at the moment I have no choice but to conclude that I have a sick sense of humor indeed and I should log off before getting kicked off...
AD can I thank you for having the same dirty mind that I have .... *lol*
Based on the jokes coming to mind at the moment I have no choice but to conclude that I have a sick sense of humor indeed and I should log off before getting kicked off...

You're not alone! :54:
Haha I thought the same.

The rest of my fish are:

Tiger Shovelnosed Catfish x 2
Red-Tailed Catfish x 1
Electric Catfish x 1
Lima Shovelnosed Catfish x 1
Ripsaw Catfish x 1
Sailfin Pim x 1
Arowana x 2 (once these get too big I'm donating them as well...simply don't have the space!)
Gars x 2 (same for these, even though I like them...so cute, like little puppies)
Raphael Catfish x 2
Plecos x 3
Lake Malawi Cichlids (with a synodontis cat in there)
Fancy goldfish

I think that's it...lol
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Haha I thought the same.

The rest of my fish are:

Tiger Shovelnosed Catfish x 2
Red-Tailed Catfish x 1
Electric Catfish x 1
Lima Shovelnosed Catfish x 1
Ripsaw Catfish x 1
Sailfin Pim x 1
Arowana x 2 (once these get too big I'm donating them as well...simply don't have the space!)
Gars x 2 (same for these, even though I like them...so cute, like little puppies)
Raphael Catfish x 2
Plecos x 3
Lake Malawi Cichlids (with a synodontis cat in there)
Fancy goldfish

I think that's it...lol

Wow, mucho pescado!

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