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May 20, 2007
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British Columbia, Canada
Serenity & Pix and their kids Jade & Tango (Peachfaced Lovebirds) and Bonnie (Budgie)
:18: :18: :18: Think I'd rather herd cattle, than cats, :eek:
Roxy has knocked my speaker "down the back of" tsk so until I get a stich to retrieve I have no sound...did they try to milk the cats?

I told someone u could sex a parrot by finding it a teets the females had them...they were oh right ..never thought of that.. wait till they go a looking
:18::18::18::18: I think I would agree with Peta, but I prefer horses!:50::50:

Oh Karen what did you do again? :18::18::18::18:
Im have a horse Phoeb. He is big black and bootiful and less work than all the rest of the family put together.
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Wow karen!Is your horse the black one?(stallion?)
I was riding and going to shows(dressage and show jumping) as well but now I don't have too much time!I miss it a lot!
You are very lucky to have a horse of your own.I was paying the livery of a stable's horse but it was not mine unfortunately....:(
Are you taking him to shows?
I hope that I find time to get back to the sport because horses are magnificent animals!;)
I would love to see pics of you two or three if you have one together with horse and Roxy!(imagine Roxy riding!:D)
Think thats the first time we've seen your horse, boy oh boy he is a handsome fella. I haven't been horse riding for a couple of years now, :( The last time was in Wales, and we rode western style, boy was that hard, finally got the hang of it........ right at the end of the trek. :D Yeah we definately need to see more of him, and Rox riding round the hills. :D
Zac is actually a wee horse 15.1 hands Welsh sec D. He is 19 now We have been together since he was 6.
We done local events and a wee bit of everything I prefer endurance. I am very lucky I pay a month what most other areas pay a week for livery. He is on a farm so we have acre and acres of riding access to forest and good quiet country roads. The beach is 1/2 hour away. Now I am more alternative he is in a spirit bitless bridle and a torsion treeless saddle. Until this week he had been barefoot and ridden for 4yrs. Peta knows the tears and guilt I had shoeing him again.Zac has been homeopathic since 7. I can ride him with out tack and enjoy playing about with parelli and monty roberts ideals.
These are some places I ride,and walk ami
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Zac is 19 in this picture?:eek:
Wow! He looks like a foal!:D
You have done a great job keeping him this way !:)
Oh, the landscapes in the pics are fantastic!I love cross country, I was a volunteer in the Olympics Athens2004 on the three day event, and the cross country was the most spectacular!(I was keeping the time)..:D

I was riding a horse once(for a year) named Dianna, who was not shoeed and was also jumping with her and her nails were just perfect, didn't even lose flakes..(She had some rare disease in the nerves,16 y. old and she had a 6 month old foal when she passed away, very suddenly, in two days:( )I have pictures if you want to see from all my horses.I loved each and everyone of them as if they were mine, ragardless of the health problems that occured or the bad results at the events...
I would love to see ur horses. Zac is my main passion there is something spiritual about a relationship with a horse. He is my antidepressant when life gets crappy.
I had to sell my transport 2 years ago and now I dont have time to go competing BUT its just being with him in the green and pleasant land that rocks my boat. My wee dog comes with us and the feral cat I feed joins in ..so its wee black horse ,black dog and black cat.
I think Zac is purrfect so if anyone at a show said something neg I was very cross. Unhealthy ..blind to all hsi faults.
He drives as well and he was used for weddings b4 I got him.

He has ..eh.. a wee bit of edge. Not nasty or dangerous but there is something about him that stops ort relationship ever being boring.

I was riding a race horse for a friend b4 Zac and also had been out on a wee JA pony who reared up and over breaking my ribs then she kicked me in the back breaking it also:( I was laid up for a wee while...but the silver lining was . I was just back to work after the kids, the money wasnt spoken for...I couldnt spend it ..flat out.. AND my husband once made the mistake of saying.." no wife of mine will ever have a horse" huh we'll see.
Anyhoo..All the breaks and floating bones make for equine conversation as we all compare our battle scars;)
Peta knows the tears and guilt I had shoeing him again.

Oh yeah, but you've done the best thing for Zac at this time. Good for you. Ya know with our animals (of anykind) we go through so much guilt and tears, trying to decide what is best for them, because at the end of the day they can't tell us. I always tell people "don't feel guilty for doing what is right" but do I follow that rule myself, unfortunately NO. Its our nature to feel guilty I think because there's always that what if, until we sit down and think about everything involved. Once we do that then theres only one thing to do "THE RIGHT THING" and we usually end up doing that.



"Sorry thats from kito" his spelling isn't too good yet but it says Zac is beautiful. :D
Oh Karen,I had some very bad news today....
I loved three horses the years I was riding.As I told you Dianna has passed away, Borsalino was killed when they forced him and beat the sh.. out of him to make him get into the truck for a competition,he hated trucks ,I always had to cover his eyes to get him in, I had told those idiots, they knew, they said he had to learn, I have never hated people as much as them in my life, he hit his head on the door of the truck, opened a hole and passed away immediately, I was devastated...)
So this morning a friend called me and told me that my third love,Excallibur has some nerve disease as well,(he is really really huge) and is half paralysed back and rear legs, can hardly stand and when he lies down they cannot lift him up.So the vet said the inevitable.They will do it in about a month they said so I have to visit him...
I'm afraid to get close to horses anymore...I loved and bonded to three and all three....:17:
That is so sad. Will u be able to be with him when the vet puts him to sleep?
For some horrible reason horses never seem to "go peacefully in there sleep"

I dread the day Zac leaves me, but I know it is better he goes first..now thats just morbid but I know as long as I am alive he will have a caring home and wont end up in europe in the food chain..oh my biggest nightmare..the live transportation of animals for slaughter is just thee most appauling thing.
Anyhoo u were blessed by each of these beasts and they will have taught u so much it would be a shame not to share that with some other majestic equine.

There is a company that will weave some tail hair into a bangle for u if u are able to get a little.
My young friend had a wee 5yr old arab who collapsed and died while she was galloping up the field. Chloe was riding at the time and she is only 16. She was so devestated..and still is..but the short time they had together was quality.

Im sure the time u spent with ur equine pals was just that..quality. x
Pheobus, I'm so sorry,

they said he had to learn,

If only we could do the same to people that they do to animals to "make them learn" it makes me so darn angry :mad:

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