A few questions from a new GCC owner


New member
Apr 19, 2013
Cheyenne, WY
One Green Cheeked Conure, name Chloe. And two parakeets - Opal and Jade.
Hello :) Chloe has been with us for just over a week and during that time I've developed some questions! If it helps she's 3 months old.

Whenever I leave the room she's in (my office) she kind of cries. She gets a lot of out of cage time each day (Hours, split up between cage top and hanging out with me). She also cries when I come down the hallway first thing in the morning. Is she lonely? Can I help her?

She grooms me a lot - mostly my hair. She tries to go for the scars on my arm and also in my ear. Not very comfortable :p She also does the typical shirt chewing. The more strange things though, I'd like to curb.

She's incredibly sweet and friendly. She hops up on my arm or shoulder on her own and hangs around with me while I go about my day. However she's still wary about my hand. Whether I offer her a finger or two, the hand or the arm she runs away. What can I do to make her feel more secure?

The only other thing is that she doesn't seem to care about the toys and chews in her cage/ My only guess is that she's still getting used to the place.

Thanks so much for going through all that! I appreciate any responses :D
congrats on your new baby! As for the crying thing shes a baby and they always want attention so she may be lonely or bored make sure she has lots of different toys in her cage and you can get her some foraging toys or make them to keep her busy. To get her used to hands could take some time or it could be a fast thing that happens easily, try giving her treats from your hand and just letting her sit by your hand so she gets used to it. I just got my lovebird totally used to my hands about 2 weeks ago she used to be very scared of hands but always wanted to be with me and Ive had her about 5 months now. Good Luck! :)
Hi, there! Chloe is beautiful!
Cheeky is about 4 months old, and he does get vocal when I leave the room he is in, and gets louder if he thinks I am taking too long to come back. If he is on top of his cage and I leave to get something, he will fly off the cage and follow me. I had cockatiels that would do the same thing. If the could hear me in the house, they would get louder until I either came into view or whistled back.

My conure also preens me. When I first got him, as he was wandering up and down my arms and shoulders, he would grab hair or attempt to pick up freckles and moles (which HURT). He has stopped trying the freckle-pecking mostly.. I think he learned they weren't something he could pick up.

Was Chloe hand-fed? Cheeky was, and has never been afraid of hands.. What about presenting her with a treat held in your thumb and pointer fingers, then one more finger, and so on until she will take it from your palm? She may learn that good things come from hands that way, and hopefully not to bite the hand that feeds.. :)

Good luck!
Chloe's adorable! I also have 2 budgies which I've had for 7 yrs and I just adopted a green cheek a month ago. My budgies are very friendly, tame and curious, which is why I don't let them get too close because she shows signs of a little jealousy, and doesn't seem to know how to act around birds. Do you have this problem? Or is everyone getting along?

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