A different kind of Easter egg


New member
Jan 8, 2014
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Melbourne, Australia
Zookeeper who has worked with many bird species, and owner of a cheeky red-tailed black cockatoo (Ash)
Chook is a buzzard.

A buzzard who LOVES eggs!

So of course, Easter is his favourite time of the year.

In the wild, black-breasted buzzards use stones to crack open emu eggs, which help fatten them up for the breeding season.

Black-breasted buzzards are only found in Australia, and actually aren’t true buzzards at all, but kites!

Shot (poorly) with a humble iPhone, so please excuse the quality.

Videos can't be attached to the first post, to my knowledge, so please see the next post down :)
[ame="https://youtu.be/4nejYWcJflA"]Chook's egg-cellent Easter - YouTube[/ame]
Wow, egg-cellent Easter indeed! Chook worked so hard to open his egg. Thanks for sharing Chook's happy day!
What a fascinating bird! Chook worked quite hard to get his Easter treat:D
Great video!!! Thanks for sharing!!! Made me smile ��
Wow, thanks for sharing :)! Loved seeing that. It's funny when he kept missing lol.
That was amazing! Just goes to show that you should never give up, no matter how hard you have to work for something!
Wow! That is amazing! Thank you for sharing!
Hahaha that was fabulous! He worked so hard! At first I was feeling sorry for him, thinking it was one of those solid decor eggs! I am so happy all his hard work paid off! What a cutie.
Haha yeah, he hasn't got the best aim...
His treat was a mixture of chicken and quail :)
AWW that was so much fun to watch! Hehe hes so cute, i love how he kept missing the egg completely. Looks like he had fun working for his treat!
Hahaha that was fabulous! He worked so hard! At first I was feeling sorry for him, thinking it was one of those solid decor eggs! I am so happy all his hard work paid off! What a cutie.

Aww... that would have been too mean... :(
Thanks for sharing, that was great!

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