A couple cool, wintry pics from today


New member
Aug 23, 2012
Gilbert Oliver, Blue Crown Conure; Georgie, Sun Conure (2/8/01-8/8/12) RIP little girl; Percy, budgie 1993-1999. RIP Pepito-spanish timbrado canary
It was pretty warm out today and I wanted to get Gilbert out to fly a short while over this unseasonably warm weekend. I went out with the camera in hand today because with the warm day but still a little snow on the ground, I thought the pics would be pretty. I just didn't let him land on anything but me because I didn't want him IN the snow. He is always in SUCH A GOOD MOOD when he gets to go outside, even just for ten minutes like today. He came in to some coconut rice too. He had a good afternoon.

DSC_0800 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Enjoying a little flight on a day warm enough to go out! | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Untitled | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Playing nice with the reindeer | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
WOW Great pics!!!! Im missing taking my boy out i lost his harness :(
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You'll have to get him a new one when you have a few extra dollars. Never hurts to have two if you find the original one. I may buy a backup harness too, since going out makes him so happy.
very nice photos!!!

your right, he does look happy when he's outside :)
LOLOLOLOL! I love the facial expressions! He's all wide-eyed wonder and happyhappy-joyjoy! I'm glad you two had the chance to share some fun. :D
These are lovely pictures!!!! He is such a lucky birdy!
He is so beautiful! Love the pics. That flight pic is impressive.
Hes so cute :) {thanks for sharing]
wow! what impressive flight photos! such a beautiful birdie :) I have a flight harness for the baby sun conure we are bringing home soon and I was wondering if you have any problems with rubbing? The bird store/rescue that I am buying him from mentioned to be careful about rubbing on new feathers coming in so they don't get irritated or something? I had never heard anything like that and I just wanted to know if you experienced anything like that? I would love to take our baby everywhere once we get him used to the harness :)
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We have had no problems wearing the harness. He loves it and helps me put it on and take it off him. The only issue I had was that the harness seemed to be "pulled" at one of the metal connections at my wrist, and I was worried for its sturdiness, and sent it back to them to reinforce. They had it fixed/reinforced and back to me, no charge. I wouldn't be without it at this point It gives Gilbert a whole new life experience--shopping, beaches, walks, flight, outdoor music, etc. He is a more happy-go-lucky little guy because of it.
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He does enjoy being outside so much!! He seems 'bratty' when he is couped up in the house too much. I feel bratty when i'm couped up too much too!! :p

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