8 week old GCC sleeping too much?


New member
Feb 20, 2016
Quebec, Canada
Nowi the GCC and Whisky the peach faced lovebird
I brought home an 8 week old GCC 3 days ago and every time I have her out of her cage all she does is cuddle up to my neck and sleep there. Is that normal? She doesn't seem scared but maybe she's stressed because of her new environment? I've never had a bird that young so I'm not sure how they are supposed to act. Thank you!
It could very well be because of the new environment, I've had a few birds act like that. Does she eat and drink as she's supposed to?
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Yes, I've seen her eat and drink often. Her food bowl is usually where she goes when I put her back in her cage.
I may worry too much, but better be sure, right? :eek:
Is she weaned? 8 weeks seems a little young..
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The breeder told me she was weaned. She was eating solid food on her own for a week before I took her home.
As long as she is active and eating she should be ok..sometimes young just weaned birds can revert to handfeeding when they are stressed or moved into a new home, which is why I asked if she was weaned. I would try to keep track of her weight if possible.
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Thank you, I will keep an eye on her. It's true that she hasn't been weaned for that long.
8 weeks is not unusual for green cheeks to be weaned, but at that age she might not have a solid sleep pattern. Least that was what I was told when I got my bird. "He'd be all energy for a while an then likely fall asleep", said little bird was out running around while we talked then promptly fell asleep in my scarf.
Sad that my bird doesn't do this anymore, it was so cute but his energy is more even now.
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Since I first posted she seems more curious of her surroundings and eats and drinks well. She must have been a little stressed of her new environment!

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