6 week Old Sun Conure - Kiiwii


New member
Nov 16, 2010
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South Africa
Sun Conure and Aggressive Indian Ringneck ;'(

Just a few question if anyone can help .... I bought a sun Conure from a breeder ... I have had Kiiwii for 3 weeks now and everything has been fantastic ... Kiiwii is eating 3 times a day and never whats to leave my side ( spoilt bugger ) ... Kiiwii is between 6 - 7 weeks old ...

1 .Winter is upon us in beautiful South Africa and i am keeping Kiiwii warm with a hot water bottle ... Is this the best option ?? Kiiwii seems fine in the morning and happy to carry on with the day .. He/she is a happy bird and grinds his/her beak and tells me love stories all the time lol .

2 . How do i get Kiiwii to understand the cage is a safe place ..... i can move away from the cage .... he/she starts flapping away and i am worried Kiiwii will get injured

3. First time ever Kiiwii regurgitated some of the formula was pretty gross but anyway lol should i be concerned about that or is it natural behavior.


Hiya! Pictures plz!

Hot water bottle is fine as long as she can't lay on it and get burned or overheated. Young birds may not make the connection that the hot water bottle they are standing on is the thing that is making them too hot.

Keep her in the cage sometimes while you are in the room. So she can see you, but still be in the cage. And of course lots of toys. Lock her in while she is sleeping (if you don't already), that will give her a feeling that the cage is "her place".

6-7 weeks old seems a little young to regurgitating. Are you sure it isn't vomit, subtle difference. Regurg won't be nearly as messy as vomit. Her crop may have been a little too full so she decided to empty it a bit.


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