5-6 without interaction

Jan 16, 2019
Maldives, H.Dh Kulhudhuffushi
White-faced 'tiel (Cookie). Pied Budgie (Pepper).
My family and I will be going to another island this week (we live in an island nation), and we won't be able to take Cookie with us.

We'll be gone for around 5-6 days and during this time Cookie will have his food and water changed by my uncle, but no interaction.

My question is: How will Cookie do without 5-6 days without any human interaction? He isn't the only bird in the house. We have 20+ birds though only 3 of them care for human interaction.​
Hi ChocolateChipCookiez,

Do you have the ability to make a video call?
The first time we took a vacation after we got Levi, I was a wreck. I have an iPhone & my MIL has an iPad. I FaceTime called my MIL the same time everyday. She would bring the iPad over to Levi's cage, so he could see us as well as hear us. I wanted him to know we didn't just abandon him. I believe it worked. The heartbreaker was, every time we did this he'd lift his leg for me to pick him up. Broke my heart :smile016:

I learned this from reading a post by Wrench13.
It was a brilliant strategy for sure.

Best of luck & enjoy your trip.
I second the use of a mobile device to either connect your 'tiel to you via video-chat or play other media to stimulate your pet. Consider also placing Cookie in some proximal location near the other twenty (!) birds you have (factoring in safety, of course) so he isn't inadvertently "isolated". My two birds spend between six and eight hours a day alone in their separate cages, next to one another, in an empty house, with just the light and noise coming in from the yard outside the window they're in front of, and in the 3.5-4 years I've had them do not seem to have suffered obviously for this relative quiet. In fact if anything they are more distressed by too much noise, much less any absence of it.
Agree with the above for placing a video call.
We used Facetime with Arika while we were on vacation last year.
It was obvious that she recognized our video and our voices.
I truly believe that helped a lot.

The only drawback is now she wants her own phone :)
Go figure. LOL
I agree with the above! But 5-6 days of no human interaction shouldn't change anything even if you can't video call him. I was very worried to leave my birds alone when I went to New York at the beginning of this year. I live in South Africa, so the timezone difference was a bit complicated with staying "in contact" with them lol. I was away for 14 days, getting daily text updates from my family about their wellbeing. They coped fine, and when I arrived home, they were just excited to see me.
Cockatiels are strongly independent birds compared to say a conure who wouldn't cope too well being separated for that duration. A cockatiel would be fine with that length. They can be very indifferent to people at times and happy to do their own thing. Not velcro birds by any stretch of the imagination. Don't get me wrong they love the interaction with their human but they don't crave it like other parrots do.

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