Hoping somebody has some good suggestions. I have owned this Rose-breasted Cockatoo for 14 years and he has a very strict diet of micro grains from China Prairie along with about 6 zupreem natural Kibbles daily. He was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with fatty liver disease. wondering if anybody has suggestions on additional supplementation's. I am switching him over to roudybush low-fat on advice of my veterinarian. I have worked in the veterinary field for over 30 years and unfortunately there are not a lot of great avian ones in my area. He said to stop all seeds and I'm wondering and this may sound silly, but he eats psitticine micrograins and I was always told that that was one of the best things to feed him as he will not eat vegetables. I have cooked him other recipes in the past to no avail. Any help or advice is much appreciated while I continue to try to get my veterinarian to figure something out here