1st Time Eckie Owner - Need Advice

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Hi Guys,
I appreciate all of your responses, your advice has helped us heaps!
Kermit came out of his cage today and we gave him a lot of his own time out of the cage. He flew on top of his cage and sat on the perch up for there a while and on the odd occasion he would take flight around (awkwardly) then he would end up back up on top of his cage.
We tried to entice him down with food and the like and he would still accept food from us but would not come down. He didn't seem to know how to get down. We tried to get near him to step up on our arm/hand but he would try bite and fly away.
We ended up getting him onto a perch and he stepped up onto it while we brought him into his cage. He did bite the perch a few times and we noticed there was blood on the perch where he bit it. Looking at him he seems to have some blood on the tip of his beek and in his mouth.
What should we do here? I'm sure he'll be ok and heal, but I'm not sure why he is bleeding. Advice would be great!
Is it a large amount of blood or just a small bit. Is he still bleeding or did the "flow" seem to stop?

It was dusk and Joaquin flew into the wall. I think something spooked him and he just took off inside the house. Thankfully it was not full force or he would of broke his neck. After checking him all over for broken bones I noticed he broke off the tip of his beak and was bleeding. While holding him I applied pressure to the tip of his beak and the bleeding stopped pretty quickly.

From my experience I noticed birds with colored beaks are more soft than those hard black beaks. I am wondering if your bird cracked his beak somehow and that is what bled. If that is the case then his beak will be sore and he will not be able to eat hard foods for a few days. This would be a good time to offer warm wet foods from your fingers. Love by crop is popular for parrots.

Please let us know how your Eclectus is doing.

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Thanks for the response. Good news is he seems to be ok. He went to sleep pretty soon after we put him back in his cage and this morning there is no sign of any blood. He only had a small amount on the tip of his beak but I think we spotted some blood in his mouth which concerned us.
Either way he seems to be in good spirits this morning. He wasn't overly excited about his food as he usually is but yes, we will be serving his soft easy to eat food for the next 3-4 days I would think :)

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