Active member
- Sep 9, 2018
- 159
- 58
- Parrots
- Sammy - Jardine's Parrot - Hatchday: 4.2.2014
Andy - Congo African Grey - Hatchday: 6.12.2018
Alex - Congo African Grey - Hatchday: 19.1.2021
Joey - Yellow faced spangle sky blue 1/2 Austrailian 1
My oldest, Sammy (age 10, black wing jardine's parrot) is and has always been a handful. Now, I know that all parrots must be watched and that they are all very demanding. All parrots scream and are loud. All parrots bite. But he is on another level than I have ever experienced.
-He is very moody and bites quite often. When he bites he bites HARD, drawing blood almost every time. Luckily we have worked lots on the biting and he now only bites me about once or twice per fortnight (which is a MASSIVE improvement).
-When he is outside the cage he walks around on the floor (will fly back down pretty quickly when lifted up) and flies to and from me to the cage or other furniture. He must be watched every single second. Obviously I don't leave him alone when outside the cage, but I mean that I must be able to see him at all times or he WILL get up to something. He KNOWS that many things are "off limits" to him but will sneak there every chance he gets too.
He will run around on the floor and try to find every single narrow/tight space and squeeze himself there - and stay there ( have Sammy-proofed all tight spaces in my apartment). He will run into the fridge when I open it. If I open the door to the hallway he will RUN to escape. When I pick him up he will stay with me or on the table for a bit and then will either fly or JUMP down to the floor.
-Another issue is his screaming/screeching. He screams and screeches very much. A ton. He will scream as loudly as he can a majority of the time. Especially when I'm moving around or leaving. I don't mind the screaming if it wasn't every single moment that he is awake. The screaming has gotten worse with time.
I guess I'm posting mainly to get this off my chest and possibly get some peer support from anyone else going through something similar with their fid(s).
-He is very moody and bites quite often. When he bites he bites HARD, drawing blood almost every time. Luckily we have worked lots on the biting and he now only bites me about once or twice per fortnight (which is a MASSIVE improvement).
-When he is outside the cage he walks around on the floor (will fly back down pretty quickly when lifted up) and flies to and from me to the cage or other furniture. He must be watched every single second. Obviously I don't leave him alone when outside the cage, but I mean that I must be able to see him at all times or he WILL get up to something. He KNOWS that many things are "off limits" to him but will sneak there every chance he gets too.
He will run around on the floor and try to find every single narrow/tight space and squeeze himself there - and stay there ( have Sammy-proofed all tight spaces in my apartment). He will run into the fridge when I open it. If I open the door to the hallway he will RUN to escape. When I pick him up he will stay with me or on the table for a bit and then will either fly or JUMP down to the floor.
-Another issue is his screaming/screeching. He screams and screeches very much. A ton. He will scream as loudly as he can a majority of the time. Especially when I'm moving around or leaving. I don't mind the screaming if it wasn't every single moment that he is awake. The screaming has gotten worse with time.
I guess I'm posting mainly to get this off my chest and possibly get some peer support from anyone else going through something similar with their fid(s).