sun conure

  1. W

    Could my Sun be pied? Also, question about odd tail feathers.

    I know very little about my Sun, Leo, except for that I bought him from a man who inherited him from his grandfather, who was the original owner and a breeder. Leo's said to be about five years old. He is banded, but the man I bought him from didn't have his disease testing or DNA sexing...
  2. RioJPMP

    Clipped my little Rio's Wings :/

    I know everyone has different opinions about keeping a parrot clipped or not. I was faced with a dilemma as I am in the middle of a move that was not planned for. I didn't want to board my parrot as the last time I did he was really upset with me for days and I was not happy with the way they...
  3. M

    needs advice just bought a sun conure

    I got a 1 yr old sun conure on saturday and got him a really nice cage and I have tried for 5 days now to get him to trust and like me all he does is run away bites hisses and screams what do I do I have tried giving him a bath and drying him off tried giving treats when he bites gently tried...
  4. L

    Sun Conure won't get off cage.

    My female sun conure has been really tough to get out of her cage for the past month or two. I don't know what it is. Sometimes it can take me 5 or 10 minutes to get out of her cage. Other times I will just flat out give up. Once I get her out, she's is very sweet and doesn't seem to be afraid...
  5. Toeksie


  6. Richelle


    Hi my name's Richelle and I'm new to the parrot forum. A few months ago i lost my sun conure, Tikki. I bought him a new happy hut and he chewed it over night and got caught in the threads--he strangled on it. I have to say I know a lot of owners have happy huts for their birds but even the...
  7. R

    Sun Conure help!

    The other day I was looking in my Local Petco at the birds, when I spotted a beautiful bird named Weezy. He was a male Sun Conure and me and my mom both just started to look at him. And then out of no where a song came on and he started to dance! He climbed super quickly to the top of his cage...
  8. P

    Conure Behavior Help ?

    Hi there !(: I have a question about my sun conure, Puff.( and you'll see why i've named him "puff") I have had him for about a week or so now , and every time i walk to his cage he then Puffs up, and goes to his bowl while hes still Puffed up , and starts eating in a "pecking motion." It's cute...
  9. P

    New sun conure ,Im a first time bird owner.

    Hi , I just got a sun conure about less than a week ago ... and I need help . Okay , so i've heard that all parrots go through the breeding season , and they get awfully hormonal , so i havent handled him/her (not sure of the sex). But i have been letting my sun out the cage so he wont feel like...
  10. K

    Sun Conure help!!!!! PLEASE!

    Okay well I've been looking for some help for quite some time now for my Sun conures. I currently have 8. It all started with my pair which I didn't know at first until the female laid 3 eggs. So in December of 2011. They turned 1 year old 2 months ago. Okay so now in the beginning of January...
  11. Sun Conure

    Sun Conure

  12. D

    Sun Conure having trouble pooping

    For about a month and a half now, my 11 year old sun conure has been having trouble pooping. My aunt (A vet) gave here some antibiotics, which improved the consistency of it, but she is still having trouble. Where it used to take 3 seconds or less, she may no be straining for 30 seconds trying...
  13. P

    Strange freak out

    My nine month old sun conure just did something very strange. I've never seen it before from him. I was just sitting at my desk and letting him play on his play gym, which is on top of his cage, when he made a strange sound and started flapping his wings. He charged forward on top of his cage...
  14. M

    Baby Conure Bobbing Head?

    Well, he isn't really a baby. He was hatched September 23, 2012. He is a green cheek conure and sun conure hybrid( I know it's unusual but it was a mistake by the breeder). He bobs his head ALL THE TIME! Alot of the time it is while he is eating, playing or while im holding him. Any ideas? Here...
  15. H

    Leaving bird cage around dogs all day?

    Hi all! I'm new on this forum, if I'm breaking any rules (or if this is a redundant thread) just let me know, oops! Thanks. My husband and I had been talking about getting a bird for quite some time, and finally settled on the most gorgeous 2-year-old Sun Conure. We picked him/her up last week...
  16. M

    My new baby!!!!!

    Hi! I am new to the forum! This is my baby Mr. Pickles! He is a sun conure/ green cheek conure hybrid. He just turned 4 months! Can't take him home for about 2 more weeks and can't wait!!!:green2: He looks angry in this pic haha
  17. M

    Hello Everyone!

    Hi everyone! I am 13 years old and my mom suggested I join this forum. I just purchased a baby green cheek conure/sun conure hybrid named Mr. Pickles:) I can't take him home until Christmas when he is fully weaned and feathered! So excited! :green2: Does that look like a sun conure/green cheek? Haha
  18. I

    Parrots needing new home.

    We have an Orange Wing Amazon parrot and a Sun conure which will need to be rehomed. The amazon is a 2 year old boy and the Sun conure is a 3 year old girl, they have individual cages. He can talk and whistle, no bad words of course. We would like to find somebody who would take them both for...
  19. I

    Parrots looking for new home

    We have an Orange Wing Amazon parrot and a Sun conure which will need to be rehomed. The amazon is a 2 year old boy and the Sun conure is a 3 year old girl, they have individual cages. He can talk and whistle, no bad words of course. We would like to find somebody who would take them both...
  20. benton23

    Advice on a Conure

    Hi, new member here. I will be getting my first Conure hopefully soon. I've been debating back and forth between a Green Cheek or a Sun Conure. Even though they are known to be louder, I really love Sun Conures, and if I'm going to make a 30 year investment in a bird, I think I should get my...
  21. 008kenichijouji

    Hello! I'm new...

    Hi, everyone! I'm new here to Parrot Forums. I also frequent BirdChannel's forums but I'm glad to have found a parrot specific forum. Nice to meet all of you. :) My name is Kelsey and I'm from Indiana. I live at home with my family, but I work full-time. I have a huge list of hobbies that are...
  22. ZephyrTK

    Taking the plunge!

    Hello Everyone, I am in the process of choosing my first parrot. I have been researching all the types and thought I had it narrowed down to either a cockatiel or parrotlet. The first parrot that made me want a bird was a Sun Conure we had at work (I work at a large chain pet store). Sun...
  23. SweetiePy

    Sun Conure acting odd...

    Last night, my six month old sun conure started acting very strange. Pyros is a six month old, pure bread sun conure. He's on a strict diet of vegetable and fruit protein cocketiel pellets that he's been eating since he was weaned. We first 'got' him when he was four weeks old and I bonded with...
  24. A

    Big problem with sun conure aggression

    Hi, I'm new here, I had to register because I can't handle my parrot's behaviour anymore. Also, english is not my native language and I'm sorry for all my mistakes. So, I have two conures, one is 3 years old, second about 1 year old. They're together a year, both of them are hand-feeded, but...
  25. Chili

    Unwell sunconure or something in her nose!?

    My Sun is coming up for 1 years old in october, I've had her since she was 8 weeks old.. today i took her out with me for a walk (she is very good outside) but today she kept trying to give me kisses and was sneezing (about -2-4 times) and at one point after she sneezed (ON MY FACE thanks...
  26. V

    Baby Sun Conure losing his voice?

    about two weeks ago I adopted an 8 week old Sun Conure. I bought him from a bird fair, and the breeder agreed to sell me the bird. He gave me next to nothing on information on how to wean him. He said 4-5 tsp twice a day, and showed me the food. That's it. He looks a little younger than that...
  27. V

    Hi! New here and need help trying to make a decision...

    Hello everyone! I have joined here in hopes of getting an idea of what kind of bird to get! I had a budgie that passed away last fall. She was 9 going on 10 years old. I took it really hard and am just now ready for another. I can't get another budgie though as it is still a sensitive area for...
  28. Summer In June 2012

    Summer In June 2012

    My Sun Conure, Summer, with a hatch date 2/25/2012.
  29. SunConureMom

    Hello from AR

    That's Arkansas, not Arizona LOL. I am the new mom of a sun conure. Her name is Cali, short for caliente which means hot in Spanish. We are waiting for DNA results but we're calling her a female for now. I just can't call her an "it". I'll try to attach pics. We also have a chihuahua and a...
  30. SweetiePy

    Py and I Say HI!

    Hi there. :3 I am new to the world and love of birds and am starting my feathered adventures with a sweet, full-of-attitude three month sun conure named Pyros. I got Pyros when he was only a month old and will soon get to bring him home from the breeder. So far he loves it when he cover his...
  31. L

    Words of advice for new Sun Conure?

    Recently got a sun Conure and his behavior is baffling me! So far he hates being taken out of his cage and will run in circles when I try to pick him up. I don't like forcing him out but I don't know how else to start teaching him to step and get used to being handled. Once he's out of the cage...
  32. E

    15 yr old sun conure now plucking!?

    I've had Zowie since she was about 8 months old.... she is now 15 yrs old. This winter she started to get very demanding - screaming for attention even when she is out of the cage! I also noticed she was going down to the cage floor and tearing up papers. I wasn't sure if she was nesting. When...
  33. L

    Sun Conure attack help!

    I have a sun conure named Louie that's about 2 1/2 years old. Up until about 6 months ago, he was always very friendly with anybody that came over, males, females, strangers and all. Sometimes he would get territorial if one of my female friend's boyfriends was also over, he would puff up and do...
  34. Keets4Ever

    Sundance's first movie

    I just uploaded a video to Youtube of my newest little feathered friend, a sun conure named Sundance. I hope you enjoy it. :) Sundance the Movie - YouTube Some information about Sundance Sundance was hatched in Michigan, (USA) on January 3, 2012. I refer to him as a he just for simplicity...
  35. J

    5 month old Conure cage problems

    Hi, I recently purchased a Sun Conure. He is about 5 months old. The problem we are having and the problem the breeder has had is when you try to get him out of the cage he runs away. The only way to get him out calmly is to let him come out by himself. Has anyone had this problem or have any...
  36. Tequilasunrise

    When to start teaching how to talk?

    Hi, I was wondering when should I start teaching my sun how to talk? She keeps making this deep noise like she wants to talk, and she dosen't make her baby noises she used to make. Thanks
  37. Tequilasunrise

    New Sun Owner

    Hello everyone, I just got a baby Sun Conure on the 10 of Dec. The Breeder I bought "it" from didn't say how old she was, so I just kinda estimated that tequila, that's its name, was about 4-5 weeks. But I am still unsure about the age, but tequila has most of her feathers except for some under...
  38. AVM


    Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum so let me tell you a bit about my sun conure.... I just got him like a week ago, I'm waiting on DNA sexing results to name him. so for now I'm calling him "pretty bird" lol He is 11 weeks old and he is just so cuddly! I absolutely love him/her so much...
  39. C

    Anything resembles a stick, we get attacked!

    I'm at my wits end with my Sun! I'm so mad right now so please forgive me if I seem, well, mad. What the hell am I to do with this bird? ANYTHING that resembles a stick we get attacked over. I was sweeping the kitchen and my Sun was sitting on my shoulder making her typical double "bark" squawk...
  40. alana

    Got my first sun conure a week ago!yay

    Hey everybody,I just got my first sun conure ever a week ago.I have been doing a lot of research but I still cant find answers to some things I cant find the answers too.First I will start by telling you what I know about him or or she is about 2 years old...thats all I
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