step up

  1. Z

    Food related Questions and Step Up Question...?

    Hello so Zazu and me have been doing great hes tamed and is used to my hands now,i still haven't gotten him to step up,but now worries there's progress he lets me touch the top of his head and belly and when i do it he closes his eyes like he is enjoying it, now i have questions about the food...
  2. snubun

    Adopted a linnie! I have some questions and would also love tips!

    Hi guys! I recently adopted a linnie who I've named Limbo for how low she gets when napping or asking for scritches haha. She's been with us 5 days now! My bf and I drove out of state to adopt her from a kind Petsmart employee who took her in after someone abandoned her at the store. The man...
  3. T

    Step-up training

    “How can I help my 6-year-old blue and gold macaw named Hugo to overcome his fear when I move while he is perched on my hand, despite being comfortable with stepping up and staying on my hand? Additionally, Hugo enjoys head scratches and being touched, and he resides in a spacious cage measuring...
  4. T

    new member looking for tips.

    Hello everyone. I'm a new member on the site, looking for tips and advice from more experienced owners. I’m an owner of a B&G macaw that is 6 years old, he’s name is Hugo. He came home for about 2 and half weeks ago, in this time we have bonded well, I’ve spent at least 8 hours a day with him...
  5. Rsells

    I need help.

    My 6 year old African Grey has stopped stepping up. A week after I brought him home I took him to the vet and since then he will have nothing to do with me. However, he still whistles, talks, and is eating. Once I go near him he goes to the furthest part of his cage but he will still eat...
  6. dancing_conure

    Cinnamon Conure doesn't want to go back into her cage!

    Hey guys :) Papaya, my cinnamon green cheek conure doesn't like going back into her cage after she is let out. I have tried so many different methods such as coaxing her onto a stick, turning off the light and shining a torch inside the cage, and putting her favourite treats inside but she just...
  7. HeatherG

    Quaker Parakeet ‘punishment bites’

    Yesterday, Willow Quaker didn’t want to come out, so I left his cage open and got Jasper out. I was petting Jasper and talking to him and guess who came tearing out of his cage? So I stepped Willow up and and put him on my shoulder, petted Jasper a bit more, and put Jasper back in his house...
  8. L

    Help with My B&G

    Lola is a rescue and she is very sweet and loving. I have no history on her except that except that she's been living with a wonderful couple for the last 2 years that had rescued her from a chain smoking asthmatic. The lady that rescued her already had a macaw and there was a power struggle...
  9. PXL_20210915_173104454.jpg


    Orinoco/Pirate and me. This is our first time stepping up!! We were both very happy about it.
  10. K

    african grey horomone and training issues

    for context, i have a rescue african grey parrot. we saved him from emotionally neglectful owners and he has made an excelent recovery. I have bonded with him and he has learned slowly to be more comfortable around my hands and he lets me rub his head and work around his cage without fear. he is...
  11. P

    Step Up Onto Hand Succession Progress

    Since starting the stick training, Mofu has really began to start liking my attention and often seeks me out. This past week alone, I have become her favourite climbing toy, something I'd have never expected a month ago of a bird who only likes to be on the ground. She still has a strong...
  12. P

    Mofu Update - Finally Stepping Up

    It's been 28 days since I ended up rescuing Mofu, my red rumped parakeet. While there's still so much we need to build up on, particularly on her confidence, we're proud to say she is finally beginning to figure out how to Step Up. I've found that currently she...
  13. O

    Other ways of training "step up" onto finger

    Hi all, Blue and the rest of the family are going well, i think having her out and about all day has done heaps for helping us all bond with her. Still a bit tricky getting her back into the cage but we'll get there. She's actually very affectionate even if she's not comofortable around hands...
  14. B

    New Cockatoo Step Up Troubles

    Hi, I'm new to this forum and I was looking for some advice about a bird I recently adopted. Nemo is a 7 year old Umbrella Cockatoo, and I've had him for two and a half months. He was rehomed twice before I got him. So far, he's very polite and sweet, although extremely reserved for a...
  15. G

    I have a red Lored Amazon

    My red Lored Amazon belonged to a man who had Alzheimer's and did not know how to take care of a bird. He fed the bird everything he ate, including but not limited too, fried chicken, pork chops, coffee, etc. His beak was over-grown, and it doesnt seem to go down much even with a sand paper...
  16. N

    He won't step up!!!

    So me and yoshi, my GCC seemed to be on the right path in forming a bond - he started taking food from my hand through his cage, then inside the cage and then from the palm of my hand all in the same week after 1 month. But now we seem to have reached a stagnant point in which he refuses to step...
  17. generalgibby

    My Conure keeps flying off after stepping up?!

    My Black Capped conure use to step up and stay like a pro. But as of late he keeps flying off every time he steps up. I’m not sure if he is afraid of us because we did trim his nails last week, but it’s nothing he hasn’t done before and we didn’t hit the quick and hurt him or anything. Also, he...
  18. T

    Me and my first bird, Atlas. Help ;-;

    Hello, my name is Erica and I got my first bird last month, a female pearl cockatiel named Atlas. After years of research I finally found me a cockatiel to call my own. My pet shop changed owners and in the new location I found her with her mate. Originally, the pet shop wasn’t selling her...
  19. Sunnybirb

    New b&g macaw who has been rehomed a lot, biting and toy aggression

    We've had Sunny the blue and gold macaw for under a month. I'm new to owning a large parrot and spent a lot of time researching. Sunny has been very adaptable, loving, and trusting, considering everything she's been through. I don't know her age or how many homes she's been through in all (at...
  20. Cthebird

    He refuses to come out of his cage on demand

    My pet Hahn's macaw will not come out of his cage on demand. We present our finger in his cage near him to "Step Up", and he either moves away, attempts to bite our fingers, or hangs on to the side of the cage for dear life. My husband is determined that I get him to step up from within his...
  21. Billdore

    Help Training to Step Up

    I am currently looking to take home a 1 1/2 year old Timneh African Grey Parrot.l Hes had a crappy home and the local pet store bought him and has been giving him a nice home. He hasnt had any training and is slowly becoming more socialized thanks to the pet store. I dont believe he was...
  22. S

    Teaching a congo to step up, help!

    Hello I have a female congo who is around 3 years old, I've tried to train her with a stick but it frightens her :( and if I use my hand she just ignores it? what should I do??
  23. S

    New Galah Cockatoo

    So I brought home a new (12 year old) Galah cockatoo from a bird expo that I went to in Madison Heights MI. I had been looking for a bird for awhile. He was affectionate through the cage and seemed to really enjoy head scratches. After a stressful day getting him home, he is settling in his...
  24. Transylvania

    "Perch" then "step up"?

    While observing avian zookeepers when they're getting birds out of their cages, I've noticed that they'll tell the bird to "perch" (so the bird calmly stands on a perch right next to the door) before they open the door and have it "step up" on their hand. Is this a common training technique...
  25. C

    Help socializing neglected(?) red-fronted Amazon?

    Hi guys, I'm not technically a parrot owner...I've owned parakeets and finches in the past, but no large birds, and have no experience with them. However, I recently moved into a new house with several roommates. One of them is a bit of a "fashion" pet owner and gets cute or interesting animals...
  26. B

    Still working on that first step: update on Jakey

    Well Jakey and I are still working on leaving the cage, and I really need support so even though there is not much to update I'm posting an update anyway. Things are going pretty much how any one would suspect with Jakey at the moment. I decided to use the towel method to get him out of the...
  27. R

    Progress with Cleo!!!!

    Hey everyone sorry I've been absent the past week or so, I had the flu and just wasn't online much. But I am really excited right now. I have had Cleo, (my 2nd kakariki ever owned,) since The end of October. (My recently deceased boy was extremely hand tame since day 1.) However With Cleo, she...
  28. Jessie

    Bird poop in my hair!!

    So my Nanday Rio is finally warming up to me! That's the good news. The bad news is that his favorite thing to do is fly to my head and play with my hair. At first I though this was adorable until this morning I got out of the shower let Rio out and he flew right to my head and pooped. And now...
  29. J

    Mickey's training update

    So I've had Mickey for several weeks now and he seems To be completely settled in. He's began playing with his toys, he uses his foraging toys now. He has picked up a few words and sounds from around the house (my laugh, my cell phone ring, good boy). He still doesn't trust me enough to step up...
  30. F

    'Step-up' Trouble

    Hello, I recently got a baby Pineapple Green Cheek Conure, and it's proving to be very difficult to teach him the "step-up" technique. He always jumps from my hand to my shoulders the first chance he gets, and refuses to leave that area. Any advice would be great.
  31. E

    New here-have brand new Maxi Pionus (4 mo. old(

    Hi everyone, I'm so happy to be here with all of you and learn from some experienced parrot owners! I have had a 4 month old Maxi Pionus for one week now, so I am very new to this! Could anyone offer some advice--Olive, my Pi, seems to be adjusting well. She will take treats from my hand and...
  32. S

    13 y/o UC Terrified of my Boyfriend

    We just got Indie about two weeks ago from a couple whose daughter had raised him. She did a really great job he's super tame, and will set-up on almost anyone, cuddles bonds with females instantly, he's a great bird; kind of needy ;). Needless to say he's favorable of women. I've never owned a...
  33. CaitlinBird

    Jojo Steps Up!

    After fostering Jojo the Moluccan Cockatoo for a month this Summer he has finally stepped up and liked it! This Summer I wanted to train a bird for Florida Parrot Rescue. I asked my foster coordinator if they had any "difficult" birds that may be hard to adopt out or are at risk for permanent...
  34. D

    New Owner, New Parrot!

    Hey there! So this is my first ever post here. I have just acquired a YNA, male, approximately 10 years old. My grandmother had him for 6 months (prior to that, I have no idea) and she had him in a king cage with just one metal perch, a dirty water cup, and fed him wild bird seed feed. I...
  35. ann

    I'm Gona need all the HELP I can get

    Hi all, so I got my patigonian conure Thursday as some of you may know. he is a real sweet heart, he cuddled with me and preened me for a half an hour today :D. I have some questions though. I was under the impresion he was 7 monthsold, turns out he is at least 3 years old, so I got a little...
  36. M

    Training step up while keeping my fingers

    Hi, This is my first post on a forum, but i'm not finding any information from just searching. I recently got a green cheek conure. This is the second conure i've had, so i have some experience already. My first bird was incredibly easy to train, but the methods i used on her are just not...
  37. MaraWentz

    Taming A Red Front

    I had a previous flightless red front macaw. Well, he has been passed for almost a whole year now (vet put him under for blood work and he regurgitated), so my husband and I bought a new one, but a female. She is over a year old now and was greatly bonded to her sister. We met her last fall...
  38. Dark_Memory

    Newly Acquired Amazon - Advice Appreciated

    So I just acquired a 3 yr old Orange Wing Amazon. She has been passed through three households in the past 3-4 months and now is living with me. I intend to keep her for the rest of our lives. The family she came from didn't handle her much or did much at all with her it seems even though they...
  39. L

    I've adopted a Macaw & need some advice

    I have recently adopted an eight year old blue & gold Macaw and wanted to get some advice about handling him. He didn't get a lot of attention at his old house but would step onto his old owners hand if he was in a good mood. He will let me stroke him through the bars of the cage at certain...
  40. sonyzoo

    Step Up

    We adopted a 6 year old B/G Macaw a month a ago. His old owner taught him how to shake and step up. He will let me shake his foot but if I ask for him to step up he just tries to bite my arm.
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