red rump parakeet

  1. P

    The Final Verdict

    Hi all, It took a long time. It's been about 5 months since I rescued Mofu. Since week one she started losing feathers, and it was one heck of a journey trying to figure out the cause. Starting with random fits, 4 vet visits, constant 'all clear's, a false testing, and finally the 5th visit...
  2. P

    Extreme Abnormalities in Plumage Development

    Hi all, I wish I had better news to tell but unfortunately this is not the case. Even though behaviour wise Mofu, my red rumped parakeet, continues to be within her usual self, she continues to lose feathers at a break neck pace. This has been an ongoing battle for almost 3 months now, since...
  3. P

    Step Up Onto Hand Succession Progress

    Since starting the stick training, Mofu has really began to start liking my attention and often seeks me out. This past week alone, I have become her favourite climbing toy, something I'd have never expected a month ago of a bird who only likes to be on the ground. She still has a strong...
  4. P

    Succession with Introducing Touch Stick Training

    Hi all, long time no see. I paused training with Mofu for a while because she had started dramatically losing feathers on her head, it was quite scary to see, even when following all advice on how to promote feather growth. Luckily she is finally growing pins back in, but it has taken 2 months...
  5. P

    How Long Does it Take For Feathers to Grow Back?

    Hi all, My rescue grass parakeet Mofu has been making great strides lately. This past week she has decided that she finally without a doubt wants my attention all day and whistles for me to come to her every time I leave the room. She eagerly chases me around for treats, both in her cage and...
  6. P

    Mofu Update - Finally Stepping Up

    It's been 28 days since I ended up rescuing Mofu, my red rumped parakeet. While there's still so much we need to build up on, particularly on her confidence, we're proud to say she is finally beginning to figure out how to Step Up. I've found that currently she...
  7. P

    Mofu Update

    Hi all, Hopefully I'm not being too spammy with these frequent posts. I just wanted to give a small update on Mofu's progress along with a couple more questions that I hope people might know the answer to. Mofu has been with me for 19 days now, she's still very scared of hands but her fear...
  8. P

    The Ethics of Using Obsession with Training - and Other Training Quirks

    Hi all, This is a follow up thread on my new grass parakeet rescue Mofu. She is finally off her medication so I've been hoping to have the opportunity to train her to tolerate my hand - now that it's no longer grabbing her to force down liquids. Fortunately since my last post there has been...
  9. P

    Possible seizures in Grass Parakeet?

    Hello, I very recently made a post regarding my newest rescued grass parakeet, Mofu. I took her to the vets yesterday after concern for her lack of balance and ability to fly, however the vet said they could identify no such problems with her balance and were only concerned with her previous...
  10. P

    First Time Owner of a Rescued Grass Parakeet - Help?

    Hi there, Two days ago I ended up taking in a young (possibly fledgling?) grass parakeet that was getting bullied in an acquaintance's aviary filled with budgies. The parakeet is still ground bound, incredibly shy, and has sustained some injuries. I asked if I could take her because she was...
  11. veimar

    Should I or should I not?..

    Sorry have been away for little while, but was still lurking on the forum... I have a dilemma that you guys maybe help me solve. I wrote here little while ago that I was to adopt a male red rump parakeet, and the breeder (she is not a real big "breeder" - just has a pair that produces once in a...
  12. Onyx

    Does anyone own red rump parakeets?

    I've been searching for grass parakeets for years and finally managed to find a pair of red rumps. I've been doing some reading and finding a lot of vague information that is often conflicting such as that they can be "aggressive" and are "delicate" and "don't make good pets, only aviary...
  13. Red Rump Parakeet

    Red Rump Parakeet

    Dad and juvenile feeding with mum in the background. Mum is a grey bird with blue wings.
  14. Red Rump Parakeet

    Red Rump Parakeet

    This is the juvenile (11 months old) I was so amazed when she started getting her adult plumage and is such a nice turquoise blue with white chest.
  15. Red Rump Parakeet

    Red Rump Parakeet

    My male Red Rump Parakeet, He has just beautiful colours when he flaps his wings you see a bright blue and the red of his rump.