
  1. Compa

    Why no leaves?

    Greetings all. Newbie here. Recently bought my first bird in over 20 years. lt'll be several weeks before Goomba, my new baby GCC, can come home. So, I've got a lot of time to set up his cage. I've checked out hundreds of cages on the internet to get some design ideas and not a single cage...
  2. C

    Will adding a second parakeet make my female quieter?

    I've had my single female parakeet for almost two years now. She has a very large cage, about ten toys, and is very happy. She's tame and spends about three hours a day outside of her cage. She has a ton of energy and is loud. Lots of high pitched squawks whenever I'm not giving her my full...
  3. Bobo

    What does this green cheek conure behaviour mean?

    I've had my pineapple GGC for about half a year, and he's almost a year old. We get along well, but he does one strange thing that I still can't understand after searching the internet. Sometimes when I have him out, he'll move from my shoulder and sit under my chin, then make weird kind of...
  4. Boyd75

    To mate, or not to mate?

    My Quaker, Roman, Is coming into sexual maturity I suppose. He's Humping huts and hands. Im curious about getting him a mate. He's very tame, to me lol He'll nip other people and laugh. My questions. . Would adding a mate to the equation jeopardize his relationship with me, introduce...
  5. J

    General Questions

    Hello, I am very heavily considering getting a parrot, and am pretty dead set on getting a Grey. I don't know much about these birds outside of what I have read over the past few months. So I have a few questions I hope you all can help me out with. -Differences between Congo and Timneh...
  6. S

    Cuttle Fish Collections - ?

    I live on the beach (Gold Coast) and go for morning walks a lot. There are quite a lot of washed up cuttle fish lately and I have already collected buckets of long strips. I soak them in boiling water to wash off the salt and any living sea mites ect. Frankie absolutely loves them and her beak...
  7. S

    Can a Cage be TOO Big?

    Hi everyone! So recently I've been wanting to get my Conure, Georgia, a new cage. My schedule has been all over the place lately and some days she has to spend more in-cage time than either of us would like, so I have thought about buying her a larger cage to give her more room to play as well...
  8. K

    How did you guys tame your budgie?

    My budgie is making good progress I think, and thanks to the people who gave advice, I haven't given him up. He accepts food from my hand easily and is getting better at target training. He won't go outside the cage and he still is scared of my hand (stays frozen) but for a bird that came from...
  9. F

    Multiple pets? More specifically...

    Hi. I have an almost one year and 5-month-old green cheek conure, and I am considering adopting two pet rats. I would like advice on whether this is a good idea, or whether conures and rats pose certain hazards to each other. It would be nice if someone who has had experience with both species...
  10. happycat

    I got my kakariki!

    Okay so, I waited too long and didnt get my other kakariki (it got sold to someone else) I was really sad, but we went back and I fell in love with two more! It was really hard to pick but I finally chose and got him the 24th! He is so funny and sweet. He was scared at first on the bumpy car...
  11. E

    What type of bird is ideal for me?

    Hi! I am in the market to get an exotic bird, preferable a medium-large to large bird, like a Patagonian Conure or an Umbrella Cockatoo. Even though I have never owned an exotic bird, a good friend of mine has an African Grey and whenever I'm around him we get along very well and he seems very...
  12. pityu

    small question

    I have posted quite many posts here since i became a member, but thats because i think this forum is absolutely the best parrot forum!!:) Soo...the question! : My two peach faced lovebirds :green1::orange: have now 5 eggs! And i have studied a lot of sites for breeding information and lovebird...
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