
  1. N

    Linus's poop vary's in color and consistency throughout the day.

    We had a scare earlier this week, Linus's poop was red, like really red, and I was worried it was blood. Turns out, He eats his pellets by color, and decided to eat all the red ones in the morning and leave the others. So sometimes his poop is green, sometimes brown, and sometimes red. How can I...
  2. VolcanoBakemeat

    Not Another POOP Question

    Hi all, this is my first time posting to this forum, but I'm glad to have made myself a member! So here's what's happening... I have a green cheeked conure who always has green poops. A few days ago, I was admitted to the hospital, just a quick thing and I got back home the next day. When I...
  3. Misscazzy

    PLEASE HELP! Advice after emergency adoption

    So my boss and landlord had a Sun Conure named Tuti. He was her husband's bird, but he is currently away in the military. She has been left to care for Tuti, and now that her daughter is in college and her other daughter is back in high school, no one is home to be with poor Tuti. He seems to...
  4. S

    Conure help: Watery poop

    :orange::confused: My conure has recently been having very inconsistent stool over the past week. Sometimes it is watery, on a few occasions hes had bubbly poo. It varies in color from medium green to a little darker shade of green. Never black or red. Hes been acting normal as can be and is...
  5. A

    Macaw Poops off Side of Metal Seed Catcher

    Hi there, I am having a problem with my Macaw pooping off the side of the seed catcher, defeating the purpose of catching seed and poop. Is there anything I can do to the seed catcher to prevent him from standing on it. He even does the big morning poop off the side of that just to spite me...
  6. lorika

    Baby lorikeet - no poop?

    Hey everyone! Since saturday I've had a baby rainbow lorikeet. He's now six and a half weeks old. He's just getting used to being hand-fed. We fed him yesterday at around 21:00, and this morning at 7:00. I can see he pooped yesterday after we put him back in his cage, but he hasn't pooped this...
  7. lorika

    Baby lorikeet hasn't pooped since yesterday

    Hey everyone, My rainbow lorikeet Loki is six weeks old and has been with me since saturday. He's just getting used to being hand-fed. We fed him yesterday at around 21:00 and this morning ar 7:00. I can see that he has pooped in his cage yesterday after feeding-time, but he hasn't pooped yet...
  8. E

    large pale tubelike poop

    I'm worried about my macaw. She just started having large pale tubular poops. Almost like a worm. It is very firm as well. Does anyone know what this is caused by.
  9. S

    Tiel would rather eat his poop than veggies

    Title pretty much says it all. My tiel is a seed junkie and I'm working on getting him to try veggies and fruits. I have given him peas, carrots, apples, cauliflower, and celery so far. He instead pecks at the dried poop in his cage instead of eating his veggies..he hasn't eaten any in 2 days...
  10. Roanoke

    Are FlightSuits an option?

    Me and Teeks are getting along swimmingly and I'd love to be able to spend more time with him. However, I've had trouble finding time to spend with him the past couple days. Often my dad is playing loud music, which scares him, and sometimes the front door is open so that we can get some...
  11. J

    The Problem of Poo (in the playpen)

    As a new bird owner, I am sure that this is one of those things that you can just figure out over time, but my bird (Alfred GCC 5mo) is using up all my t.p. While I am working during the day, I like to bring Alfred over by my desk and let him play in his playpen. The problem is that the...
  12. C

    Lack of feces in the dropping... help please!!!

    Hi My sun conure :orange: is 5 weeks old. I feed him 20 ml thrice. Its my first ever parrot so I am cautious. I hope its not a big deal but just to be sure I have to ask. Today his Poop only had Urates(white part) and Urine(Clear liquid) but no feces (Brownish/greenish part). I was...
  13. Hotrod

    My sun conure has light brown poop

    Urgent! My bird has light brown poop I have had my sun conure almost two months. The food I give him is a mixture of seeds, pellets, fruits, nuts, and some dried flakey vegtables that I sprinkle on top of his food. I have read online that pellets make poop brown, but pellets aren't what he...
  14. R


    So...I am familiar with what I think is the best way to get poop off: a mixture of baking soda, lemon juice and water. It works WONDERS but it's peeling the paint off of the window sills (they're wood)...So that's frustrating...does anyone have an idea of how to prevent this?
  15. Mama4life

    Cage bedding.. which do you use? why?

    SOOO, when my parrots were babies I used the pine shavings (dust free)... now cobb... you know for the bottom of the cages to help clean up... Boo likes to slide the bottom out and go underneath and nit pick and what he threw out his food bowl... I'm concerned that maybe he will eat some cobb...
  16. pityu

    A behavior of sickness?

    Hi, my peach faced lovebird is behaving kind of weird. This morning he woke me up as usual, chirping, but then i realized that he did not want to drink or eat anything. He was breathing a bit heavy and he pooped more watery then normal. At this point i would go to the vet, but sadly we do not...
  17. X

    Potty training?

    Love the concept!! Does anyone do it? I think I do it a little, or my bird learned not to do it on me by the way I reacted or something. I'd like to do something a little more concrete, but I have heard mixed theories!
  18. Effervescency

    Mr. Poopy Drake

    So, I understand birds poop. A lot. This is totally fine. Alice I figured was a normal pooper. Everything fine there. However, Drake seems to poop...a lot. And it's almost like he constantly tries to poop, especially if you're holding him (like on purpose). He does it so often when you're...
  19. natasha.d

    Red Poop!

    Hi Guys, I bought my dusky headed conure home a little more then a week ago and he seemed perfectly fine! This morning I checked up on him and his poop is red! It isn't bloody or anything. It's just red. I'm feeding him zupreem fruit blend pellets with a seeds mix and he does tend to pick out...
  20. M

    Sun conure hates cage

    Ok so mango is 3 months old and she absolutlely hates being in her cage! She freaks out when I wont get her out. She gets in her food dish and kicks everything out and tries to lift it with her head to spill it lol She is also trying to open the door where I put her food dish....Should I ignore...
  21. Bongo

    Over potty training??

    Hello, We just got a three month old sun conure about a month ago - Bongo. He is a wonderful bird and we love him like crazy. We have been doing a little bit of training with him starting with "poop." He's got it down already but there is one problem - He never poops in his cage anymore. This...
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