
  1. M

    Senegal SCREAMING (Need Tips and Help)

    Hi guys! My boyfriend and I purchased a rescue Senegal around 7 months ago, and we have been having a lot of behavioral issues that just keep getting worse. We are told that she is 20 years old, and lived all of her life with the same owner until he passed away. The daughter took her and that...
  2. W

    Conure Plucked? Wing

    After a bath today I discovered that one of my Conure's wings has a bare patch hidden under a primary feathers. The patch is on the top of the right wing, where the first 2 primary feathers are. She has been preening small down feathers but mostly on her chest. Is this a natural part of her...
  3. K

    Two conures and one is plucking the other please help :(

    I have two conures a brown throat named Charlie and a pine apple green cheek named kiwi. We've had Charlie first since April of 2015 the lady at the local pet store said some lady brought charlie in because she didn't want the bird anymore and that Charlie was three or four years old he's about...
  4. T

    Plucking/molting/what???? Very concerned...

    I moved back to AZ from KY at the end of last year. Over the past several months (since at least June), I noticed that my conure Nibbler has had mainly down feathers showing on her chest (she started losing those feathers shortly after the move but figured it to be partially stress related from...
  5. M

    Plucking and quiet

    Hi, We found a featherless patch on our sun conure's back (behind the wings) full of blood. It seems he has been plucking but we have not seen him doing it or feathers. We took him to the ER when we saw it and they tested his blood and saliva and did not find anything, said it could be...
  6. veimar

    Anxiety and over-preening

    Hi guys, haven't been here for a long time. I have a question for experienced conure owners... My gcc Parry has terrible anxiety, all the time. He is always pissed off, makes these angry sounds at me and Coco (my lovebird), always wants to bite me, etc... He screams, bobs his head, draws lines...
  7. P

    So we brought Max home....

    So I was out searching CL for a cage for my Parakeets (I dropped their new one and broke a corner) and someone posted a B&G in my little town and was giving him away. It was JUST posted so I called her. The poor parrot was in a nasty cage, his chest is plucked, wings are chewed and he lived on...
  8. K

    Need Advice

    Hey, so I'm new to this site. I have a male quaker parrot, we don't know how old he is, but we know he's a baby. He was found in the south valley of New Mexico about a year ago by a friend of my brother's who posted about him on Instagram. We agreed to take him and when we got there, we...
  9. jessikuh351

    Plucking Lovebird - have just removed collar

    Hey everyone, So one of my lovebirds (female called Monty, 4 years old) has been pulling out feathers for a while. It got to the point where she had no tail feathers left and pretty much no feathers on her back at all. Then she started digging into the skin on her back which caused bleeding :(...
  10. J

    Plucking down feathers

    I'm wondering if it's normal for greys to pluck a large number of down feathers in one preening session? My grey is 6 years old and there are always little fluffy down feathers around but last night she pulled out a huge amount of them. She has a perch in the shower that I occasionally put her...
  11. A

    New to the forum - help with molting lovebird please!

    Hi everyone I have recently joined the forum and am seeking advice regarding my male lovebird Iggy. He is about 4 years old and this might be his first molt. Firstly, is that strange? I have noticed pin feathers, particularly on his back around his shoulders, for about 1 month now. But in...
  12. SAshley05

    Plucking question

    Hello all, I have had Nacho, a cinnamon green cheek, for almost four years. He has never had a plucking problem before, but I'm afraid he might be plucking. He's been molting, but just today I blew on his tummy, and notice that it seemed like under his feathers he has bald spots. Is this due...
  13. E

    Strange Wing Wound - photos 1st post

    My 9 year old female cockatiel isn't sick, but something is definitely wrong. Notes: Diet: Harrison's pellets, for nearly a year. Red palm oil since April. Cage: Ample size, new as of February. All new perches and toys as of March. Clutch history: 4-6 infertile clutches, discourage...
  14. S

    fun exercise suggestions, questions on plucking

    Over the winter, my friend gave me his dad's 12ish year old DYH amazon, Daisy. Unfortunately, they had around 15 birds and none of them got as much attention as they should have:mad:(why?!?). As a result, Daisy plucks her feathers. She mostly just has down on her chest, there aren't any bald...
  15. roxy_mutini

    Possible Feather Chewing?? I'm really not sure...

    Hi guys! I've had my Green Cheeked Conure, Olive, since October. She just turned one year old the 21st!! She's molting right now, as far as I can tell. I took her to the vet, maybe a month ago, to get a general birdie checkup. They did a weight, a fecal sample, a general look over. Everything is...
  16. S

    Adoption-how to assess problems?

    Ok, so I'm a huge sucker for taking in pets in need of a home and I browse the classifieds for something to do.... When you see a bird looking for a new home, is it possible to assess whether obvious problems are something that can be improved by coming into a home where they get better...
  17. A

    Constant Screaming

    My parrot is constantly screaming. Every five minutes, theres a loud scream coming from the living room. I'm okay if she would only do it every now and then, as that's normal, but it's very excessive. Her previous owners would give her attention when she would scream, so she learned to scream...
  18. A

    Help To Stop Feather Plucking?

    I recently brought home a female Eclectus :red1: and she's been feather plucking a lot. She plucked the majority of feathers that are gone before she came home with me, but she's continuing to do so. I think there could be two causes: She had recently laid an unfertilized egg, and so she's...
  19. S

    macaw possible feather plucking?

    so as i mentioned ive now brought lola in to work, thought it would be nice for her rather than stuck in the cage all day at home alone. ive noticed today though at the bottom of her tree there are about 6 feathers. i know its not unusual for the odd one to fall out when preening a bit too...
  20. J

    my conure is plucking itself!!

    My conure is plucking please help My Cinnamon green cheek conure a year and a half ago was brought to the vet for sorta chewing on her feathers by her crop area. I was told she had yeast by the crop and she was given antibiotics and another medication to help keep her calm. It was cured and she...
  21. JennyB

    Feeding Molting/Plucking Supplements?

    We're making a lot of progress, and Jelly doesn't seem to be plucking, or if she was, it has mostly subsided... but she is losing/growing feathers, so I think we're definitely dealing with molting now. Anyway, a couple weeks ago I started giving her a powder/supplement called Featheriffic...
  22. JennyB

    Plucking or Molting?

    Two weeks ago I lost my almost 25 year old cockatiel. A couple days later I noticed a "rough" patch on my son's gcc's belly that looked as if she might have pulled a feather or 2. She will be a year old in about a month, and we've kept an eye on her, but the patch has gotten a little bigger...
  23. Wolfiea1

    Plucking love bird. Help!! :(

    Hello, I'm new here and the only reason I'm posting this is because I want to know if there is anything anyone can tell me to help my bird. I have an 8 year old love bird named Cash. I've had him since he grew feathers and was aloud to come home from the pet shop. A few years ago I was forced...
  24. K

    Cockatoo sudden feather plucking

    We have a 15 year rescue bare eyed cockatoo, had him for around about a year now and has all of a sudden over the past month started plucking underneath his wings, which is getting worse where he makes himself bleed. It seems to me that he has very itchy and irritated skin, he can sleep and jump...
  25. D

    Mating Plucking...Help!

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum but I need some help with my splendid parakeets. I have a pair of one and a half year old male and female splendid parakeets that I got about two months ago. When I first got them the male started pulling feathers off the female and she let him know in no...
  26. U

    Chewing problem :(

    Hello, I have a Yellow naped male amazon of 6 years old (that's what the previous owner told me). I think he's older, but I juge from appearence. I bough him 5 months a go with some chest feathers missing. He costed me $500 which is strange. The owner sayed she just wanted to get rid of...
  27. P

    Plucking Questions

    I know there are a ton of these threads, but I have some specific questions regarding my 'toos. Bird, my triton, came to me in 2011 as a plucker, but never plucked while he was with me until recently. We did move in December but he didn't start plucking again until April-May. Chula, my...
  28. I

    Please tell me this is molting :(

    Recently I've been finding a lot of white feathers and green feathers (the entire feather--no blood) at the bottom of Morgan's cage. The other day when he flew to his cage one of his tail feathers fell out as well. I'm really worried that he might have started to pluck (I've been working a lot...
  29. S

    Opinion on Adoption

    I am former owner of an old adopted conure named Peter. He died about a year and a half ago of old age. I have recently started looking to adopt a new conure, and have found one, but I'm a little worried about the situation, and I'd like to get some opinions. My situation (I think) is pretty...
  30. D

    Species and Plucking

    Are Green cheek conure more prone to pluck their feathers than other species from the pionus and poicephalus families?
  31. D

    Feather Plucking

    Are Green Cheek Conures More prone to feather plucking than species from pionus or poicephalus family?
  32. P

    HELP my Quaker is plucking and biting herself!!!!

    I have a one year old quaker parrot. I just took her to the vet a few days ago and they did blood work on her they found nothing, she has a big distructable toy, gets bathes, all that. The vet had me use a soothing spray on her that just seem to make it worst so im stoping use. Is there anyone...
  33. C

    Goffin Seizures help!!

    I have a goffin named Tobie who is 8 years old, I have had her for 6 years. She has always been a very happy bird but recently she has started having seizures when she gets to upset. I have taken her to the vet and they did all the blood work they could on her and found nothing wrong. All...
  34. M

    Ringnecks plucking each other

    Hi, I've got two indian ringnecks that were bought at the same time as babies but lived apart for 6 months or so and have now been in the same cage for roughly another six months. I believe they are siblings, but am not really sure about that. They get along fine. I've noticed them cleaning...
  35. Oedipussrex

    Feather picking help / foraging ideas?

    Hi everyone! I have a male new guinea eclectus Parrot who is just on 2 years of age He had over-preening issues starting from when he went through his first moult, during which he pulled out all the new flight feathers on his previously clipped wing. (i wanted him to grow out and be free...
  36. E

    15 yr old sun conure now plucking!?

    I've had Zowie since she was about 8 months old.... she is now 15 yrs old. This winter she started to get very demanding - screaming for attention even when she is out of the cage! I also noticed she was going down to the cage floor and tearing up papers. I wasn't sure if she was nesting. When...
  37. mandolynn

    Mutilation Syndrome info

    I came across a site that has amazing articles about the causes and treatment of plucking and mutilation in parrots. It contradicts much of what we have all thought and been told by experts about parrot nutrition and digestive and metabolic processes. The explanations and scientific evidence is...
  38. B

    Plucking/Chewing success stories?

    Hello everyone, I've had Darwin, a green cheek conure! for 2 years. Recently, just last week, he started chewing feathers. Never had an issue before. He gets hours outside his cage, frequent baths, toys, etc. He is well loved. He eats Harrison's and has since I brought him home. He gets...
  39. C

    Is my conure molting?

    This is my first bird so I don't know much about molting... She is a green cheek conure and in random places where she chould have vibrant color, you can see little gray feathers. It's all over, her back and head mostly. I see one little pin feather. I have found maybe 6 feathers in the past...
  40. chocotiel

    Is he plucking or molting?

    Hi, I'm considering a 6 year old male Eclectus at a pet store. He has a beautiful green head, a band of gray fuzzy down around his neck, and the rest of his feathers are all nice, wings and tails. He looks a little scruffy on his chest, but it's just mixed colored feathers, not down. The band...
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