
  1. PockyMommy

    CAG wont eat pellets or seeds

    So I'm having trouble I guess weaning the CAG I got back in early June. You can find the info here old thread Now he's able to eat solid food. He'll eat the cereal mix that the bird store sells and he eats nuts and fruit at times. He won't eat his pellets and won't eat his seeds. I would...
  2. P

    Switching to pellets?

    I am trying to switch my parrot's diet from seeds to pellets. The bird really just wants the bad seeds, and he doesn't bother eating a pellet. I see him grabbing one in his beak and even hold it in place with his foot, but he doesn't even break the pellet. Instead he thinks it's too hard to...
  3. Boyd75

    Popular quaker pellet diets

    Hey, what do you guys use for pellet diets with your quakers?
  4. Lullx

    Drs Foster & Smith Blends? (& CAG pellet help!)

    I give my monsters a low-seed mix as one of their meals, usually midday or at night before I put them away. First meal of the day is their chop, then pellets later in the day, and fresh veggies at random to change things up. The blend I get currently is a bag-it-yourself by the pound affair...
  5. veimar

    They ARE eating pellets!!!

    All my fids have been seed junkies no matter how hard I tried to convert them. They came to me like that. I tried to soak the pellets in juice and applesauce - they'd nibble on it. Finally I gave up and stated buying the Volkman seed for them (probably the best quality seed on the market now)...
  6. R

    Lafebers & pantry moths? Coincidence?

    I don't know if the two are related or if it is just coincidence, but I just went to fill up all the different foods my Kakariki eats and when I went to fill the dish that holds his Lafebers Nutri-Berries, the container was FILLED with pantry moth larvae! I picked up some chunks of...
  7. R

    Urine Color!? help!

    Hey all! Roxy (6 month old) is doing fine playing,preening, eating and drinking. There is no unhealthy sings! But when I noticed her droppings today just now I got worried! I'm going to travel in few days and I really hope I can squeeze a vet appointment tomorrow! She is eating colored fruit...
  8. babybirdie

    pellet problem

    Hey everyone, So echo has never liked pellets before and hates eating them. Its a mission to get him to eat pellets. He literally doesn't eat for days at a time because he doesn't like them. He will eat almost anything else but not his pellets. I'm just wandering is there any types of pellets...
  9. JennyB

    How long to Freeze Seed Mix?

    I always throw the new bags of seed mix in the freezer for a couple hours. Is that long enough, or should I leave them overnight? Does anyone freeze their pellets? Also, I always store the seed mix and pellets in airtight, Tupperware-like containers under the cages... Is that alright or...
  10. M

    100% pellet diet?

    Kito, my 2year peach faced lutino lovebird diet is 100% only pellets. He doesn't eat fruits or vegetable.. Is this safe? Please i love Kito and need help! Can i add vitamins in water?
  11. WannaBeAParrot

    Please help with advice on how long to let bird go without eating

    Hi Everyone. I've been missing Parrotforums due to an ailing laptop. So I have a lot of reading to catch up on the goings on. Getting to it: How long would you wait to see if your conure will give in and eat the dry bird food you give her/him? Some of you know Pritti - he's a funny, fussy...
  12. WannaBeAParrot

    Seriously, how many pellets have you chewed on to get your bird to eat them?

    'fess up y'all. as for me -- more than I care to admit (although I don't swallow them). LOL. :green1:
  13. J

    How long will a bag of pellets last??

    So with any luck I want to be adopting an alexandrine soon after Xmas, and I'm just looking at maintenance costs, how long (on average of course) will say a 10kg bag of pellets last for 1 Alex??? Obviously as well as supplementing the diet with fresh fruits and vegetables. I'm also open to...
  14. WannaBeAParrot

    Are this safe to feed to parrots?

    *********************menadione sodium bisulfite complex******************* I haven't read anything but scary stuff about this, such as this typical info: "has been banned from use in food and supplements for human use in many European countries due to serious side effects, including permanent...
  15. J

    Best pellet brand for Green Cheeks?

    Hey guys, I'm new to conures. I just acquired a six week old cinnamon green cheek and I'm currently hand feeding it the baby formula. (For those of you who already see a red flag, I have hand fed many different animals, both "feral" and domesticated. I was a student at a veterinary assisting...
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