
  1. C

    Scam or legit?

    Good Evening all, I need some assistance I have been part of what I believe is a scam. I would like to know if anyone has had the same experience as me on the below website: They claim they will send you fertile eggs and then you will have to go...
  2. Ash_90!

    Update on yoda 6 Months on šŸ¦œ

    Hi all!!! Hope everyone is well! And all your beautiful Parrots šŸ¦œ me and yoda have been very busy on our little adventure together! 6 months later ive finally bonded with my little bundle of joy! Theres no better feeling then finally building a bond and getting your parrots trust! Heres to many...
  3. B

    Looking for a blue-fronted amazon

    Hello People. I am from Bulgaria and i am looking to get a baby amazon parrot, maybe around 3-4 months old. The thing is in my country we don't have that many breeders who have amazon parrots. And i don't have from where to get a blue-fronted. I contacted a person on one facebook group for...
  4. C

    update on indian ringneck named chili and advice required on diet

    I acquired a ring necked parrot 5 months ago, which was thin and had a short tail, possibly cut. The parrot is now healthy with a long, beautiful tail and has likely molted. It eats various foods, including seeds, veggies, and fruits, but not mangos. It's noisy and has started making louder...
  5. A

    Abnormal faeces in my Sun Parakeet

    Hello, I have seen today some strange faeces in my parrot, being extremely liquid and greenish. Attached photo. Normally it is more solid and with normal colouring. His behaviour is the same as always, he has clean water and a diet rich in nuts, dried fruits, some seeds, apples, bananas and...
  6. M

    African grey personality

    The desire of having an African gery for company is growing stronger and stronger and I have been doing some research on Youtube and the forums. I have couple more questions that I'd like to get some input and thank you in advance. I know that every bird has its own personality and one should...
  7. TeekoGreenCheek

    Teekos protection issues..

    I need some advice to help Teeko stop being so protective...Teeko is very loving toward me and wants to be by my side everywhere and anywhere at all times of the day. I love his attention as much as he loves mine and my wife's. But..the downside is he OVER protective. If anyone comes in my...
  8. M

    Indian ring neck or African ring neck?

    Indian ring neck or African ring neck? I got Kiko when he was almost 1 month old and his beak was kind of bright. Heā€™s 4 months old now. Can anyone please help me out. Ps: I have an Indian ring neck named peeko heā€™s an adult (I got him as an adult 1 year ago) and he checks out every details...
  9. ZorroKnowsAll


  10. L

    Please help. Burnt plastic fumes

    About 3-4 hours ago we had a cooking accident where plastic tongs were left on a burner and they started smoking and melted. They werenā€™t burning for long but the whole house smelled like it. Now it smells significantly less than earlier and can only be smelled when you first enter the house. I...
  11. A

    Wing flipping/twitching Maximilian pionus, help!

    So Iā€™ve had my lil guy for about 9 months now, and heā€™s the sweetest little bird. Heā€™s a little over a year old, and heā€™s never had any sort of weird behaviour until now. This morning I noticed he was flipping his wings, and I immediately got worried and kept a closer eye on him. He hasnā€™t...
  12. Libbi24

    Getting the right Parrot for me

    Hello, I was just wondering if anyone had any personal opinions on parrots that may be the best fit for my lifestyle. I have previous experience with large birds such as African Greys and Alexandrines (He was my first parrot who sadly passed away a year ago due to a long term illness) Since my...
  13. RingneckRave

    Show me your silly birds!

    Show me your silliest bird pics (or videos) of your birds being/looking like a goofy head. Iā€™ll go first. I'll post more in the replies soon-ish
  14. RingneckRave

    Bird pictures from botanical gardens

    Photo dump! Here are a bunch of pictures I took at Wagga Wagga botanical gardens NSW one time, can't remember when. It's so cool there, I suggest pop in if any of you Australians cross in through there, they have many birds. There was a female rainbow lorikeet, and I kept seeing different...
  15. RingneckRave

    RIngneck growing ring!!

    I am very excited, as only a few days ago I spotted some tiny black feathers underneath Bluey's chin. He's a boy! And he is going to grow a handsome black ring!! To be honest, I already figured he was a boy based on his behaviour, but now it is confirmed. Does anyone else remember when they...
  16. D

    2 Months Old IRN Likes to Chew my Hand

    Hello all, I got myself a IRN last friday. We are together for six days know. He or she is not afraid of me or other people, the bird is very calm, relax i think. When i get home from and enter the room it looks excited, runs in cage and wants to come out. I am freely handling it and feed it...
  17. pawpaw

    Pawpaw's Diary

    Hello everyone! I am Pawpaw, a teenager sun conure. Right now, I am staying in my house and feeling bored. I hate that vet, why did she say my human friend needed to leave me alone to rest for a week? A WEEK? I want to play with my friend! There are toys in my house, the swing is quite fun, but...
  18. C

    Can I Feed My Parrot Chicken Feed?

    I started a flock of chickens this year (they are outside, Misty is inside) and discovered that their Dumor Layer-Mix Granules is almost EXACTLY the same as the Zoopreme parrot pellets, and the Dumor Organic line of chicken feed is an even CLOSER match!! the only ingredients Zoopreme has that...
  19. kyladoodle

    Help! She laid an eggā€¦.

    Hey everybody. Miss Gizmo suprised me a couple of days ago with a small egg at the bottom of her cage. She appears to have a bit of egg butt going on - but still her usual self, being noisy, happy, eating and drinking which is great. Iā€™m a little stressed though as I know female lories are prone...
  20. D

    A way to tone down aggression in a parrotlet

    I have one two year old pacific parrotlet. She is the only pet I have and I live alone with her, though I often have visitors. Most of the times, she is quite docile, though she is a bit destructive with household objects, when left to her own devices, but I think this is expected of any parrot...
  21. M

    Pineapple conure heavy breathing

    Hello everyone, I have a 1 yr and 6months old pineapple conure. It recently has been breathing heavily with its mouth open and tongue moving up and down for no reason the weather is good he has water food everything Iā€™ve had him since he was 40 days old. Could someone please tell me whats...
  22. A

    Alexandrine behavior

    Hello everyone im new to this forum i have a question regarding my alexandrine He/she is 5 months old weaned and stopped making the baby cooing noises since it was 3 months old. These pst few days he/she has being doing them all the time. I really want to know why because the past two months...
  23. B

    African Grey Breeders/Rescues in Arizona?

    Hi, I have a friend who's looking to adopt an (preferably young or handleable) African Grey that's in the Phoenix, AZ area. I've only ever had budgies and small parakeets, so I was wondering if anyone has recommended places, stores, breeders, rescues, etc. to find an African Grey? She knows it's...
  24. Q

    Quaker parrots onion poisoning?

    Hi all, I have 2 male quaker parrots (1yo & 3yo). They have been eating a new frozen vegetable mix for the past 2-3 days. I only just noticed that the mix contains onion pieces. They have been leaving behind these pieces (thought they were cauliflower scraps or something before) in their bowl...
  25. UnknownParrotPoster

    Wanting to get a cockatiel (Cockatiel Questions)

    Hows It going? I know like this may sound like I am asking a lot, but could someone basically give a brief overview on everything a cockatiel needs? Like specific foods, what kind of care it needs per day (how much attention, how often to change the water), etc, and what could be dangerous for...
  26. A

    Questions on Toxic fumes for the parrot

    Hi, I donā€™t have a parrot yet but am trying to make sure I know everything on how to raise one. The one problem that has scared me the most is poisoning. I heard you cannot use nonstick materials or bleach or ammonia. Does this mean that they canā€™t be used in a certain proximity to the parrot or...
  27. A

    Looking for General tips on raising a parrot (more specifically an Amazon parrot)

    Hi, I am a student, and my mom told me before I could get a parrot, I need to know how to raise one perfectly before she can consider it. I am looking to find out the general needs of a parrot. I recently got interested in owning a parrot and know they require a lot of work, but I find them so...
  28. MyFeatheredFlock

    Where Can I Buy Macaw Eggs Without Getting Scammed?

    Iā€™m trying to find somewhere that sells Macaw eggs, I recently got an incubator and wanted to hatch my own Macaw. Has anyone here ever bought parrots eggs? And if you have, where? I canā€™t find anywhere that seems legit online.
  29. bocabill

    My African Grey has owned me since 1981

    I have had the pleasure of being owned by my male African Grey since 1981.
  30. S

    My father's macaw passed away tonight due to egg binding. Did the vets give poor advice?

    Hello all. As the title states, my father's Blue and Gold Macaw, Mango, passed away today at the age of around 29 years old due to egg binding. I am writing this thread to ask for opinions on whether or not the veterinarians provided the right advice on how to handle Mango's health. I want to...
  31. P

    What color is he?

    I adopted this male recently and his previous owners said his color is called ā€œplacidā€ and that they think he is an albino. Iā€™m suspicious though, because he does have a slight ring. In certain lighting he also has a blue tint to his feathers, but in general he just looks white to me. So Iā€™m...
  32. S

    Lovebird clicking noise and tail vibrating (or bobbing im unsure)

    Hello! Does anyone know why my lovebird is doing this? Is this just a behavioural thing or does he have an illness? His tail moves up and down very fast like itā€™s vibrating and he would make clicking noises. He acts normal and is very active! Any thoughts? Thanks :)
  33. H

    My 2 Quaker parrot siblings want to Mate, what do i do?

    Hi everyone, as many of you know i found a nest of 3 quaker parrots without parents being around when they were just a week old, now they are 3 months old and beautiful and loving as ever, i have asked on this forum before if i should have seperated them while young so that they would be able to...
  34. 6

    Rehoming Blue Fronted Amazon in Brooklyn, NY

    Rehoming Tame and Trained Blue Fronted Amazon because I need to size down. Believed to be a female of roughly 2-3 years. As far as Amazons go, she is on the quiet side, and not very aggressive. Steps up, turns around, and raises her foot on command. Says "hello," "hi," and occasionally calls...
  35. 43FABB88-FF92-4193-AC90-E850FF18EAEA.MOV


  36. BellaLikesBirds

    Science Fair Parrot Project

    Hi, everyone, hope youā€™re doing well. Iā€˜ve been studying parrots for a while now and have A flock of my own thsg I ckndsider my children and my best friends. Last year I based my high school science fair project off of birds, hereā€™s the link That project of 2021 was based off of the cognitive...
  37. oliver_is_the_best_birb

    Should I get another bird?

    I have a GCC that is about to turn 1. I'm away from the house a lot for school and I'm scared he's getting lonely. Should I wait another year or so or just try now? And, what type of bird should I adopt, if I do get another?
  38. T

    Does anyone know what this is

    Recent just say this on my baby sun conure's crop
  39. Oli

    Rats and Rat Mites?

    A couple of days ago my landlord removed some rats from my attic. I know it's not unusual for rat mites to leave their host and search for a new one when the rats pass. I think I'm just being paranoid, and Juliets' not acting any different than usual, bit I'm curious of anyone has ever heard of...
  40. My bird

    My bird

    this is my bird at a local parrot cafe also I am looking for a way to connect two cages together because I have a spare cage.
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