help me

  1. R

    Taming two cockatiels.

    Hello, around 2 weeks ago we purchased two cockatiels. Both are said to be around 1.5 years old. The previous owner detailed specifically that they need to be bought together since they been like that from the beginning she has had them. She also noted that they don't want to be touched yet they...
  2. L


    I don't have a parrot, but i have a sparrow nestling. I fed her yesterday and she was fine, but then today she vomited twice! I got rid of that food and i want to make her different food out of insects? but i don't know if these will work. I have hornworms, super worms and crickets. PLEASE HELP...
  3. CrowCall25

    Several questions

    1. Pet-hating parents I have two parents that REALLY dislike noise and mess. I have two dogs, and although I really want a bird, they refuse to have more than two pets in the house. They also are opposed to birds thanks to a budgie I had when I was eight and really irresponsible. Any tips on...
  4. K

    I need some me help

    Hi everyone So Today when I took my macaw outside of the cage so he can play But suddenly he vomited/regurgitated not sure a white saliva like substance he didn’t want to eat before that. After what happened he ate. Is it normal He is acting normally ,screaming , talking and normal feces I...
  5. zoeygirl81

    Help me and my SUPER clingy blue and gold

    Hello everyone I hope everyone is doing well and I need some help with my 22 year old blue and gold macaw. She has lived with me for 9 years and prior to that was in a very abusive home. Zoey was always a great bird and was always free I only caged her at night before she went to sleep and let...
  6. Midnightstarian

    Clicker training question

    So i'm confused someone on Facebook claimed i shouldn't show my bird the clicker and the sound (first) then continue give him the treat. And that quote i should: By using the clicker before the action and then switching later to indicating that he did it will confuse him. I don't really trust...
  7. Zack

    I have had a Budgie for almost a year now but she still isn't tame can someone help?

    As the title suggests I have had a Budgie for almost a year and she still hates me. What do I do? :( She LOVES my other bird Clyde, he is a cockatiel. My Budgie will only get on me when Clyde is on me! When clyde leaves she follows. Please Help!
  8. C

    Help! My bird WAS Acting like it was choking!

    I love my bird her name is Fern a canary white winged parakeet But today she acted like she was choking this happened for 1-2mins Before she stopped shes now playing grooming etc, She has not visited the vet yet thought, I got 3 weeks ago I'm very worried that she might be choking are was...
  9. L

    Member with Grey needs help!

    Hi, My name is Linus. I am the owner of a 5 year old Congo African Grey. I came to this place seeking help to stop my Grey from plucking. It is difficult for me because I was stupid enough to get her as my first parrot and she does not like me (bites me real hard), so it's hard to do anything...
  10. K

    Help needed

    Hello guys, i was wishing you would have some tips on my situation. My lovebird(4 months) wont go back in its cage. If he goes in to eat the second we come close to the cage he flies out of it in a panic. When we go to the other side of the room, he goes back to eating. I can scratch his neck...
  11. P

    my conure Will. Not. Stop. Humping. what do I do??

    I've posted about it before but it has gotten monumentally worse. I've tried to remove any items she might be attracted to. I've made sure were not petting her inappropriately (we can't even get near her anymore). but she continues to hump everything in sight. her food bowl, her cage door, her...
  12. H

    HELP, nightmare IRN bluffing

    Hi all, I'm new to the forum:) last Thursday we got our first IRN, she is 6 months old and has been hand reared. The lady we got her from warned that she is going through the bluffing stage right now which was fine, BUT the last 3 days she's turned super nasty towards myself (not so much hubby...
  13. A

    Trying to get the little guy to trust me

    So I've had him for almost 3 weeks now and I'm trying to get him to trust me. I got him from petsmart, so I know its gonna be hard. Right now he's escaped form his cage and is flying about the room, but the thing is I don't know how to get him back in his cage. He won't let me touch him and he...
  14. P

    New green cheek conure being weird?!

    Hello! Ive recently bought a 4 month old conure (atleast thats what they have told me) he looks pretty small so i didnt question them further however he doesnt have a leg band, but he IS pretty tame as in he steps up when hes outside his cage and climbs to my shoulder and nibbles on my shirt...
  15. Z

    Having trouble with my new bird

    Hi everyone, I am new to the site and also new to bird ownership. I have wanted a conure my entire life and this weekend my husband got me a sun conure. His (or her) name is Zazu. I don't think Zazu was handled very nicely in the cage at the store. I know that it will take time to build up...
  16. Billdore

    Emergency or Not????

    I fed my baby half of a chestnut and now I discover the other half has some green mildew or mold of some kind on it. I didn't see any on the half I gave her feeding it by hand but I do remember seeing a couple small little spots on the part she ate. Is this an emergency? I know peanuts are...
  17. H

    Shamrock is attacking my family

    Shamrock is a young (4 no more than 6?) green cheek conure. I'm usually the only one who handles her. A few years ago she flew at my sister, it didn't look aggressive but was trying to get a grip, unfortunately she was trying to on her head. Well my sister was pretty much done with her since...
  18. B

    Who has more than one bird....? Help!

    Ok guys, so sorry to keep posting but this will be the last question filled post for a while I promise! So, we have made the decision to bring home the little baby Timneh African Grey, his name is Oliver. My wife and I have been like 50 times over the last few months and so it is anything but...
  19. B

    Question for the African Grey owners out there!

    So I'm back again.. I STILL have not made a conclusive, definite decision.. But I am getting close. Here is where I am at. The same breeder I am talking with has just taken in 3 adorable little baby Timneh African Greys. Of course she told me, and of course I went and met them, and of course I...
  20. L

    My bird is eating his toy!!

    I'm new to owning Conures, and my Cockatiel never did this. I have recently switched my Conure, Avo, to a new food, and I gave him this new toy. The toy has little straw hats on it, and he loves pulling them apart, but I noticed that he's eating the toy! Like- chewing and swallowing the straw...
  21. S

    Help with scared conure (green cheek)

    Hello everyone I bought a green cheek conure 8 weeks ago he's still a baby as he was born earlier this year. I did clip his wings as soon as I got him home because the owners told me he was very tame but once I got him home I received an email saying that he was never tame. I've been attempting...
  22. D

    Illiger's Macaw

    Hi guys, so this is my first post and I love to hear from you guys! So about 2 months ago, I rescued a male Illiger's Macaw (Goozoo) who is 8 years old. I know just a little about the bird and am being patient with training the bird slowly. So he comes from a home where he was exposed to 3...
  23. I

    Help : Broken nail

    My conure "broke" her nail. There was no bleeding, but she cant stand on her left foot. The injury is near the center of her nail, but again, no blood. the injury is pale, almost as if it was scratched. there's also something sticking out, a white sting? Its not a vein.
  24. KorraBird

    My Jenday is aggressive with my dog...

    My almost 3 year old Jenday conure Korra has been increasingly aggressive towards our male papillon. They used to get along fine, she'd even enjoy preening his ears from time to time. He's a very good dog, so I used to allow it only if I was right beside them keeping an eye on things...
  25. Jessie

    When Nanday's attack!!!

    So my Nanday Rio is being a butthead. He's not attacking me or anyone in my family but my dog. I have a Mini Schnauzer and an Aussie. He leaves my Mini alone but loves to torment Luna my Aussie. Luna is as sweet as can be and doesn't even bother Rio but no matter where Luna is Rio attacks. He...
  26. BirdLady93

    Advice for my baby sun conure please

    Hi, I am a first time owner of a baby sun conure. He is almost 3 months old. He isn't my first bird, my other baby was a greencheck who sadly passed away. Because my other bird wasn't a baby when we formed our bond he was already semi trained. But with Fred, my sun conure, there is so much he...
  27. A

    Constant Screaming

    My parrot is constantly screaming. Every five minutes, theres a loud scream coming from the living room. I'm okay if she would only do it every now and then, as that's normal, but it's very excessive. Her previous owners would give her attention when she would scream, so she learned to scream...
  28. T

    Please Help I don't know what to do!

    I adopted 2 Green Wing Macaws, One about 2mo ago and a different one about a week ago. Both Came from Different Homes. My 14yr old Female? is a Beautiful Bird, eats well, looks Healthy, and poops just fine. The Other is a 7yr old DNA sexed Male, as I was told. Both Birds don't live in Cages...
  29. A

    What Is My Parrot Trying To Say?

    My Eclectus parrot likes to sit and watch me, but while she's doing that, sometimes she likes to act like she's chewing without any food, and grind her beak in between. Also, there's another thing she does where she take say, her right foot and her right wing and raises them together and stands...
  30. N

    Dyring indian parakeet

    He is apprimately a month old he is not being able to balance itself, his bodyt emperature is cold compared to before when it was warm, he is sleeping all the time, his stool was brownish black and after a day it returned tot he usual dark green he is still eating but no like before please of...
  31. L

    Help sour crop 25 days old cockatiel

    Hi everyone, I have still got Angel and having a troublesome time. I noticed about a week ago in the mornings that her crop wasn't completely empty like other mornings, so I started reading about sour crop. It's not doughy, but there. I tryed remedies with a spice remedy that I found on...
  32. Itsohkai

    Broken blood feather! What should I do?

    Last night as I was cuddling with Blaze, I rubbed my thumb over one of her wings and felt something hard. I parted the feathers gently and was shocked to see a bit of blood on her. When I tried to stretch her wing out to get a better look, she instantly pulled it back with a squawk so I was...
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